I'm not quite sure how I feel about finally knowing who's been kicking me all this time. On one hand I am beyond excited. Just the thought of it makes me practically squeal out loud.
I simply can. not. wait.
But on the other hand? I feel like I'm cheating, in a way. I've been waiting for so long to finally hear those 3 beautiful words {"It's a...!"} and, when we're thisclose, I can't help but still feel a little conflicted about it.
And this probably makes no sense to most of you, who likely think I'm a crazy person for even choosing to be on team green.
I know I talked about it before, but I've been preparing myself for the past 9 months for both a boy and a girl, but in reality? I only get to keep one of them. And in that "it's a...!" moment, that wonderful life-changing moment, when I find out if I have a new son or daughter, I will lose the other one forever.
And that's what I feel most conflicted about.
Of course I will be over the moon excited, but at the same time, I will be a teeny, tiny bit sad as well. And I think that's okay.
But, just in writing this post, I'm feeling better about it. Because I am excited. And I am ready to finally know.
I'm ready to close this chapter and start a new phase of my life. One as a mother of three. Whether it's with 2 boys and a girl or 2 girls and a boy, it doesn't matter.
I'm ready.
As I've mentioned several times on here, I haven't done much shopping for the babe, {I'll do that once we know what we're having} but I did buy a little coming home outfit... {or two, I guess.}
...I wonder which one we'll need. ;)

Aww. Cute!! I can not wait to hear what the babe is!! :) I say pink.
I'm excited to know too!! I'm going with PINK! haha
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
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I'm going with pink too! Very excited for you!! :-)
I totally get what you mean about feeling conflicted. We had a surprise 3d ultrasound last week at 15 weeks, and I had it in my head that we would find out at 20, so I was a little hesitant to find out their gender guess so much earlier. When we opened the envelope with the tech's "80%" guess, I almost immediately said to my husband, "Well, that means we need to have a third baby so we can have a_____", then I pinched myself because I have been so sick that I keep saying this will be my last pregnancy.
I think once your baby is here, you won't feel any of the sadness you are feeling right now, you will just be thrilled to have them in your arms.
How exciting! Good luck with everything!
I'm also saying pink. Maybe it's because as the mommy of an Emmy Kay, I think Emmie Mae is THE most adorable nickname. Either way, I am ridiculously excited for you & your family!
I'm gonna say both sides because you can't reach through the internet and hit me. ;) I think you are ready. Best of luck on having a healthy baby that likes to sleep.
I vote.. Miss Emerson :)
I just had my second child 6 weeks ago. We were team green (both times) and I found it hard to not prepare myself for either gender. I pictured a boy, and was worried that I'd be disappointed if it was a girl. But as soon as my husband said, "it's another girl!" there was no regret, sadness, disappointment. Just excitement and happiness in meeting my new daughter. You will get the child that is meant for your family, don't worry! I hope your team green experience is great!
I'm going to go with... pink! =)
I'm thinking GIRL!
Healthy baby. Pink or blue..either will do!
So soon! Can't wait to find out.
I think i'm gonna vote Team PINK!
Im thinking Pink too! Can't wait to see!
Girl!!! I have two and although I love my boy in terms of fashion with girls there are endless possibilities!!
Oh my gosh, I'm terrible at this, but I'm going with pink. I love this photo!! Cute idea!
Pink ;)
Boy! Good luck!
Girl! I was team green with both of my pregnancies and I would not change it for the world. Best thing I have ever done!! Good luck.
GIRL!! And I think it's really neat you picked to go team green! Best of Luck!
I have always thought boy!!! But you know me and my thing for boys ;)
Aww, both outfits are so cute. Can't wait to see what it is! :)
Hmmm- all I can say is that I will be anxiously checking back to see. I always wanted to have just one more- not only to even the numbers but to do it just one time without knowing before hand. I think that is so awesome.
Oh I'm so excited for you, friend. On pins and needles, truly! I'm going to go with BLUE! I cannot wait to find out who that sweet babe is! You look so wonderful by the way. So fab. Hang in there!
Those outfits are too cute! I can't wait to see which one will be the winner!
I cannot even imagine not knowing... I'm too much of a control freak. ha
Such a cute photo opp! You will love this photo later for your scrapbooks. If you do that sorta thing... :)
As for the "It's a..." moment. I never thought of it that way. I could never wait so I always found out all my baby's before they came. Kind of wish I'd waited for the surprise on one of them. Hmmm...
Take care!
Girl is my first thought looking at you. I completely understand how you think and I've felt the same way during my pregnancies.
How exciting with only a few days left until meeting your little one!!
All the best, I will be thinking of you.
I have a feeling its a boy! Either way, best of luck. I'm so excited to hear how everything goes!
BOY!!! :O)
That is the most fabulous picture. Team Green is definitely the way to go.
Pink or blue -- I don't care -- I'm just so excited to find out!!
I'm new to your blog but how cute are you!?! I'm super impressed by the determination not to find out the sex. I would love to do that but feel like I would break! Congrats on the new baby! Can't wait to follow along!
I vote boy!
Cannot beleive your newest little one will be here soon!! I can't wait to find out and see adorable pictures of the new baby with big brother and sister !
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