On Sunday, I did waver a bit. {What?} Up until that point I was perfectly content with being team green. But as the anatomy scan got closer and closer, I was thinking about just how great it would be to know. At the same time, I still very much wanted to be team green. But knowing me, I thought I'd get into the ultrasound, see my little pumpkin, and then have an overwhelming NEED to know.
Actually? It was the exact opposite.
We got settled in and the tech asked if it was okay if a student came in to observe and I said that was absolutely fine. I then mentioned that we didn't want to know the sex of the baby and asked her what she planned to call it throughout the ultrasound and she said she always refers to it as "baby" or "the baby." She then said she'd tell us when she was in that general area for leg measurements, etc and ask us to look away. Easy peasey.
The entire ultrasound lasted about 45 minutes. Once we got going, and I saw my baby, I just did not care what we were having. And I knew I could do it. I knew I could be team green with no problem at all. I didn't need or even want to know. That was my baby on that screen... I didn't care what it was. He/she was worth the wait.
Throughout the scan, baby was rolling all over the place, waving to us, kicking the tech, covering it's face... holy cuteness. She was able to get all the measurements, though with our bouncy baby, she had to go back to the heart and other organs a few times. She also had me lay on my side at one point {to stop baby from moving as much, ha!} so that she could get the spine measurements.
She got a lot of really great pictures for us {we even got a CD!} but I have always loved the profile shots the best. {THAT NOSE!}

Overall, it was an amazing ultrasound, but there are two things that are concerning us right now...
1. Following suit from big sister Brynn, this baby also has an Echogenic Intracardiac Focus (EIF) on its heart. This is becoming more common, but it's still a little concerning. I've learned, through genetic counseling with Brynn, that everything is perfectly fine with the baby's heart {the way it's functioning, etc.} so there's nothing to worry about there {whew!} Having an EIF simply means that the baby has one of the many soft markers for Down's. Just one. But, because everything else is, as the doctor put it, PERFECT, he advised against further testing and we completely agreed.
2. The baby is breech. I'm assuming he/she has plenty of room in there and time to turn??? {I hope!!} But I am a little worried about this. I've never had a breech baby before and really hope that it's able to flip around at some point before it runs out of room in there. {Which will be sooner rather than later. I'm sure of it.}
So, yeah. Great ultrasound. Still team green. Baby is a mover and a shaker. And due to my history of high BP, pre-e and monster babies, doc wants to see me back there for a follow-up level II at 24w. Whew!
Oh, and after the ultrasound? Bob and I celebrated as usual, with a {ahem 90 degree} day full of shopping and food! Here's our very first purchase for baby {since I'm not a fan of gender neutral clothing!}...
So cozy! =)
Pregnancy: 18 weeks
Weight Gain: 4 pounds
Sleep: No problemo. Though the belleh is starting to get a little uncomfortable.
Gender: We're team green, so we'll find out in September!
Names: Reid Joseph or Emerson Mae {see the name post here!}
Feeling: I HAVE A HEALTHY BABY! I'm feeling wonderful!
Movement: He/she is a party animal! =)

When I saw the title, I thought, "NO! you have to stay team green!"
Glad you stuck to your guns! Now I have to do the same when it comes time for our scan! :) Happy to hear that baby is healthy! :)
this post makes me very excited for your little ones birthday! I have my guess, but I'll keep it to myself (because I know you are getting the "it's a blah blah blah, I just know it" comments!
You are so strong! I was dying to know what I was having. As we got closer to the ultrasound I thought it might not be that much harder to wait another 20 weeks, but that only lasted for 2.5 seconds. I'm glad everything is going well.
I remember when I had my 20w the ultrasound tech said they had until like 32w or something to flip before getting concerned. It might have been 30w, but definitely well after 18 :-) Glad everything went well. I'd be dying to know if it was a boy or girl!
Glad to hear baby is healthy and that you were able to stay strong and remain team green! I hope I can be that strong when our time comes! :oP
My son had an EIF marker too. It was because of your blogging with Brynn that I was able to keep my calm. We had a level II ultrasound and the tech mentioned that because the machines are so much more sensitve then they were before, they're catching things, like these markers, that were always there before, just not able to be seen with the current technology. Anyways, thank you for sharing your journey, and I'm with you, don't think it's anything to worry about!
Just for future reference, its Down syndrome...Not "Downs".
way to stay strong mama... and so glad everything looked great! almost half way there! :)
I seriously thought you gave in when I saw the title :) Way to go!!
Harper was breech at our US when I was 22 weeks pregnant and she managed to turn; so I think you'll be fine.
SO glad your little bean is healthy as can be :)
Gosh, what strength you have! I don't know if I could have done it. Love the picture of you holding up all the ultrasounds in your green shirt... too cute :)
Yea! Congrats on staying strong mama! Coming from a second time Team Greener here, I can definitely say you won't regret it! Also, congrats on a healthy baby - the best news of all!
I am due on Sept 10th with my 3rd too and have in ways been living a little through you and your blog. I have to wait until week 21 for my anatomy scan and so far no belly to speak of. But not team green, with 2 girls I want to know if I need to go and shop.
Breech? Most babies don't flip till later, most have flipped by 26-27 weeks as they get ready for coming out. You have plenty of time. Sitting cross legged and leaning fwd does promote the baby to rotate to the correct position for birth. Congrats on a healthy baby!
WOW!!! look at you!!!! Hope you are feeling well. And I am on your side for team green! There are not many true, real surprises in life, and the sex of your baby once it is born is the one! x
Yay!!! I am so happy that you had a good appointment. Good for you for remaining strong on Team Green! It will be so exciting to find out in September :)
You are so much stronger that me! I don't think I could do it! YAY for a healthy little baby!
I'm proud of you, I knew you could do it! Team Green IS all that it's cracked up to be, it's a feeling I can't even explain in words - congrats, you look great!
I'm so happy for you! I am due on September 16 (for now lol) and my anatomy scan is on Friday! I can't wait! Love reading yor blog, especialyl since we are at the exact same point of our pregnancy.
Congrats on a fantastic u/s and healthy baby - and good for you for staying strong!!
Yay for a healthy baby! And I am so impressed you stood your grund for team green I would have caved the moment I walked in the office ha! Oh and I missed the name post but those names are great! I especially love your girl name :)
it just better be good looking.
I'm new here...and somehow I missed that you were prego! CONGRATS!
Yay for a healthy baby!!! you look fabulous mama!
Glad your baby is nice and healthy! I don't know how you Team Greeners do it. ;) I don't have it in me to wait! But glad you didn't cave, since that's what you really want! My son was breech...long story...I'll spare you. ;) I think you've got plenty of flip time, though - good luck!
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