31 January 2012

Wordless | Number Three

Oh, ya know... just the newest member of our family. No big deal. ;)

7w ultrasound edit

Yeah, so that was one way to start 2012. I just knew it was going to be a good year! And is that not the cutest little peanut you've ever seen!?!

Details to come. =)


Jill said...

Yay yay yay yay yay! Yay.

curtsgrl said...

HOORAY! Congrats! I had a feeling something wonderful was happening with you being MIA lately.

Unknown said...

Oh goodness! Congrats!!

Heather said...

Fantastic news!! Congrats!!

J-Berg said...

Yay!! I've been stalking you on thebump hoping for an annoucement very soon.

CONGRATULATIONS MAMA! You must be so thrilled.

I'm due with my first in July. I can't wait for all your tips and advice, I'm really going to need it!

YAY! Congrats again!!

Andrea said...

YAYAYA!!! Due date?! details? Well....minor details :) So happy for you!

Shaun said...

So so happy for you guys! Congrats!!!!!

Brandi said...


I have been stalking you too.

Unknown said...

How exciting!! Congratulations!! :O)

Tracy Eyles said...

Yeah! Congrats! I was wondering when you were going to "come out". I had a little one in Sept 2011 and accidentally logged on to the Sept 2012 boards and saw your post three weeks ago. So happy for you!

Unknown said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats, mama!! :)

Jamie said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting for you!

the mom diggity said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing news!! Praying for a sticky baby and healthy pregnancy for you :) Congratulations!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Horray! Congrats!

melanie @nowaqueen said...

Congrats! Can't wait to follow your 3rd addition journey!

Shannon said...

yay!!!! congrats!!!!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations!!! That is soooo awesome!

Immortal Beloved said...

WooHoo!!!! Can't wait for all the details on your reaction. :)

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

I'm so happy for you my friend!

Suzanne said...

Congrats! You just officially sent my baby fever OUT OF CONTROL.

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Yay! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats!! So happy for you and the fam! Troy on the other hand might dislike you for the next few months for giving me baby fever!

RoriGMakesTHREE said...

So happy for you Jenni! Congratulations. :)

Andy and Emmie said...


Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

woot woot!!! soooo excited for another newborn baby to grace the blogosphere!! everyone is pregnant i swear... and i LOVE it!

Unknown said...

Yay!!! Congrats to you and your family!

Sweet Little Lovings said...

Eeeeee! A great start to the year, indeed! Congrats! :o)

bobbers119 said...

Congrats!!! That is AWESOME!!!!

Summer said...

That's so so so exciting!!! Congrat to you guys!!

Amanda said...

I just squeeled in my cubicle!

Denise said...

Congratulations! So exciting!! :-)

molly said...

YAYYYY! I've been waiting for you to post :)

Here comes baby #3!!!

p.s. you're already showing, aren't you? ;)

MaryBeth said...

Congratulations!!! Wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

Congrats from another well wishing blog stalker! Been following you since the bump days and our kids are the same age. Good luck with the pregnancy!

Amanda said...

how wonderful!!! congratulations!! :-)

Jacqueline said...

Yayy!! Congrats on #3 :)

Anonymous said...

Wwooohhooo. Congrats.

Yuliya A. said...

Yay!!!! Congrats to you guys!!! What a way to start the new year!

Anonymous said...

Woohoooo!!! Congrats!!!!

Brad & Rachel said...

I've been waiting for this announcement! Congrats Mama!

Becki said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, so happy for you!

Anonymous said...


Kristin said...

Congrats again my friend!!

Leigh-Ann said...

Im a bump stalker as well, and I got so excited when you mentioned youd be announcing this week!!! The ultrasound looks great! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Searching For Simplicity said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats. The best WW I've seen yet!!

reenie :) said...

Yeyyy! I love this :)

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Congratulations!!! So exciting. I have been wanting to have another but we will have to see.

Just Another Mom of Twins said...

WoW! That's awesome...congrats! :)

Jeska said...


Jeannie said...

Awww!!! YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS MAMA!! I'm so excited and happy for you!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Yes, it's a pretty cute peanut. And I've seen plenty. ;)

alicia said...

Oh wow! So happy for you!

Unknown said...

Amazing how we can see our babies so little and new. Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! SO SO SO happy for you!!!

Amy Nielson said...

congrats friend!!!!!! so exciting :)
(ps: check out my blog on friday. wink!)

Tatiana said...

How sweet :-) Congrats!

Unknown said...

Oh fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! I think that is the best Wordless Wednesday I've seen :)

Unknown said...

Congrats! How exciting!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! There must be something in the blog water.

Gina said...

Exciting!!! Congrats!

Unknown said...


Katie said...

I knew it! :) :) :) I've been a long time follower, but I haven't commented before. Something told me the other day that I'd be seeing this post soon. Congratulations! (And details please!!!)

Tricia said...

CONGRATULATIONS! What a great way to start a new year!

steph R. said...

Thats awesome! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congrats! SO happy for you :)

Bree said...


Unknown said...


Christina Key said...

So lovely! Congrats! :)

I want to thank you 4 your nice comment on my blog. If you like the things that I post, please follow!


Love, Chelsea said...

Congrats Jenni! So happy for you and your family! I am pregnant with #2 and can't imagine being on #3, how exciting!

Alexia said...

Congrats to you and your family! That IS a fabulous way to start 2012!! Love those little peanut pictures ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! We started 2012 the same...we are officially 7wks & 1day! Our due date is 9/18/2012, what's yours? LOVE YOUR BLOG! Have been following since you were PG with your oldest ( I was PG with my first too!) Will be prayin for you guys!!
~Veronica in TX!

velasco photo said...

congratulations!! i clicked over to your blog and actually gasped when i saw the photo. what wonderful news!

Marriage from Scratch said...

Wow congrats! Just found your adorable blog. I'm your newest follower!

Come link up with this post at Marriage from Scratch!


The Best of Both Worlds said...

That is so exciting! Congrats!

mary d said...


Erin said...


momto8 said...

the best picture yet! congrats to everyone!

Ronni @ Anywhere Is said...

WELL THEN. That's a heck of a first entry for me to read on your blog! Congratulations!!! :D

Jennie Louise said...

What a lovely way to announce your pregnancy. Super happy news.
Jennie. X

Anonymous said...

Eeeekkk, so happy for you guys! Can't wait to hear the details... congratulations!

Amber said...

YAY! Congratulations!!

Martina said...

Hi, thanks for the links up..great day..

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