06 May 2009

They're balls!

As you all know by now, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is Carter's favorite show. We watch it On Demand all. the. time. Anyway, one of the episodes {that's been on there forever} is called "Minnie's Mystery." For those of you that haven't seen it- and I'm sure that's 92% of you- {I enjoy making up statistics} Minnie bakes a dozen blueberry muffins, however someone eats some of them. So the whole gang goes around trying to find the "mystery guest" who ate the muffins {and if your curiosity has gotten the better of you -and I'm sure after my excellent recap of the show that is has- it ends up being a baby bear.}

There's this scene in the beginning of the show when Minnie discovers the muffins are gone. She counts the muffins to see how many were stolen. This is Carter's favorite part of the episode. Now when we first started watching it, he got way more excited about yelling at Minnie counting the muffins then he does now. I don't know why I didn't tape it then. Every time she would start counting, Carter would scream "ball. ball. ball. ball. ball." You get the idea. This would go on for the whole minute that she counts.

It was if he were saying "they're balls not muffins!!"
And, in Carter's defense, the muffins in the pan do look like balls, do they not?

Last night I finally caught it on tape. Now you can hear Carter say "ball" over and over and even do a few fists, in a somewhat frustrating way, but, despite his happy hands, he's not as excited as he usually gets. I think he's just pissed about the fact that they are indeed balls in the pan and Minnie STILL hasn't picked up on that after all this time. He's about given up on helping her...

Carter is definitely at the point now where it's more like "they're balls you stupid b..." Yes, Carter curses when he gets mad. Don't look at me... I didn't teach him that ;)


Anonymous said...

Love it! Love how he's bouncing and squeezing his fists. :)

Brianna Gilmartin said...

hahahah carter is my favorite

Olivia's Mommy said...

Carter and Livy are a perfect match it's her favorite show too! Every AM at 7:30 and the song comes on she stops in her tracks! LOVE the video!

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