Shirt & Shorts: Motherhood
33 weeks. Whoa. I actually thought I was turning 32 weeks, so I'm just way off. This entire pregnancy is clearly moving faster than I can even comprehend.
Not too many updates this week. I had my weekly Biophysical Profile on Friday morning and the babe passed in literally 3 minutes. He/she is doing really well in there :) No mass update... they only check for growth/blood flow at my growth ultrasounds and I don't think I have another one of those for a few weeks. I'm rather enjoying the break, actually. {And by "break" I clearly mean that I have a week or two off from seeing it. But it's nice not have it all up in my face for a bit :}
Because of BlogHer this Wednesday- Sunday, I had to reschedule all of my weekly Friday high risk appointments for different times. Unfortunately, they were mostly booked solid on Wednesday {right before I leave} so I only have a BPP this week instead of my bi-weekly OB appt as well. I talked to my doc though, and she was fine with that, because the babe is still being checked :) I'll then go see her next week {on my birthday, fun!} before I head out to OBX for 7 days... woo hoo!! More to come on this :)
As far as my upcoming trip to BlogHer in New York City, I'm a tad nervous {but not enough to stop me from going... clearly.} Although my schedule is jam-packed the entire 5 days, I have to remember to take lots of breaks and make sure I'm not running around the entire city like an 8 month pregnant crazy person {don't worry honey... I'll be fine! <- Bob's worried.}
Oh, but also? I had my roomies brush up on their L&D skillz. You know, just in case. {I kid, honey. Sort of.}
Pregnancy: 33 weeks
Weight Gain: 22 pounds
Weeks until September 10th Induction: 6! <- ahhhhhh!
Sleep: I have good nights and bad! Hoping to get some solid sleep this week at BlogHer!
Gender: We're team green, so we'll find out in September!
Names: Reid Joseph or Emerson Mae {see the name post here!}
Feeling: Excited! Looking forward to spending time with some good friends :)
Health: My BP has been fine this week, from what I can tell. My swelling is getting bad, so I'll have to really watch it in NYC... I have cute shoes to fit into, damn it!
Movement: Feeling him/her constantly. I love it!
Belly: Measuring just about 3 weeks ahead right now, have the start of a very light linea negra, and my belly button has been out for
For comparison, here's my 33 week belly shot with Brynn! {<- from my maternity session with her!!}
Next Appointment: Biophysical Profile: this Wednesday, August 1st at 33w3d.
Next Appointment: Biophysical Profile: this Wednesday, August 1st at 33w3d.

Found you from Growing up Geeky! I'm 34 weeks now - Love reading how other folks are handling it and look forward to following along. :)
So cute! Just found you, love your blog:) Have an awesome time at BlogHer---can't wait to see posts about it and make sure to rest those feet when you get a chance. There's a lot of walking in NYC! If you get a moment, make sure to get over to our Baby Week, which starts today, at http://www.thechirpingmoms.com! Lots of great things, including some great giveaways to win for that precious baby on the way!
Hope to see you beaming and glowing at BlogHer. I was uber-pregnant last year and found it wonderful. Exhausting, but wonderful.
you are soo brave...lol Hope to run into you!
So glad you are doing well! Have a blast at blog her and make sure your honest and when you need a break take it! Sept 10 is an awesome birthday that is my sons! By the way you look fantastic!
Wow! You look amazing! I can't believe how little weight you've gained! I'm ashamed at how much I've gained thus far at 35/36 weeks! But it's all for good reason! I don't know how you do it (not knowing if your having a boy or a girl) you're much stronger than me, you go girl! Looking forward to more blog posts about your growing bump!
I just did the very same thing in mixing up how far along I am with #3. This past weekend I was telling everyone I was 25 weeks, but no, I'm 26!
Love your blog! It's making my bed rest seem a little less like prison. I think it's funny how easy it is to lose track. I just realized I will be in my 2nd trimester in 2 weeks. Didn't I just find out I was preggers???
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