- I make big babies. Like 9.5 pound monster babies born 2 weeks early.
- My belly gets really big when I'm pregnant. I measured 6 weeks ahead with Brynn.
- This is {obviously} my 3rd baby. 4th pregnancy.
And in preparation for said monster babies, for some reason the moment I get pregnant my uterus decides to freak out, go into survival mode and expand like crazy. I guess it just knows what to do and so it blows up like a big ol' used balloon. As my doctor put it.
But because I lost 30 pounds in between Brynn and this baby, I didn't think my belly would show as fast as my pregnancy with Brynn. {See here.}
I was wrong.
{looks a bit higher to me}

{and me dying of a sinus infection}

So, there's that. I can already feel my uterus {i.e. not the baby} pushing up and I have round ligament pain like whoa. Good times. And for the record, I had an appointment this week and lost 3 pounds.
For those that want to follow along, I'll put my belly picture in my weekly updates {probably on Mondays} from now on. But, at almost 9 weeks pregnant, I can already feel a big difference from my 8 week picture.
Your belleh is ADORABLE!! I am so excited to watch it grow :) My got hugeonormous much faster with the second pregnancy.
You are so stinkin cute! If I was that cute I'd have had more. lol.
Whoa!! ALL belly though!! I popped WAY early this time around- to the point where I felt like I should be lying about when I was due.. complete strangers were congratulating me in september and I'm due in April! Yay for big babies! Mine was 8 lb 9 and 22 in long- not as big as your babies for sure but no peanut either!! BIG congrats!! :)
You look great mama! congrats on baby no. 3! I still can't get over how quick you pop! Your baby bump is adorable!
GOODNESS!! You aren't lying! Good thing you look beautiful ;)
Your belly is so adorable! I wish I had charted my belly progress with pictures. With my third, I ballooned out and was unable to hide it and keep it a secret by 8 weeks...I looked about 5 months pregnant...though I was super sick and lost almost 10 lbs my first trimester. Looking forward to watching that little tummy grow!
You look adorable! Skinny and pregnant :)
Congrads on your pregnancy. Your belly looks great. Mine wasn't showing that much till 5mths on for all 3.
Whoa! You're not joking when you say you show early. You're all belly though and it's beautiful!
I guess you can't really keep it a secret - at all!
I thought you were kidding! How can you even keep your pregnancy a secret? You make a very cute pregnant woman though!
Wow, just wow. You look awesome though. Most of us gotta wait 20 weeks to start seeing that cute baby bump! =)
aww you look as cute as can be Mama. Congrats on baby #3.
thats is crazy; i tottally have belly envy!
I lost 2 babies before my first & wanted to be HUGE i wanted it yell to the world YO IM FINALLY PREGNANT. yeah not so much did that happen!
This pregnancy is a little different, im a little bigger this time around!
Regardless, your belly is adorbs! just perfect!
Wow, Jenni! WOW! You look GREAT! That is the nicest, earliest...non-bloated early pregnant belly I've ever seen!
I love your belly. I have huge babies and bellies. I didn't know you had a miscarry. :( Praying everything goes good.
Cute, cute belly!
Holy Moley that is an adorable big belly! It may be big, but it is so round and pregnant looking (if that makes any sense). Even at 9 months, I felt like people were probably looking at me and questioning, "Is she pregnant or just fat??". I have pregnant belly envy...LOL!
Congrats on the baby! You are an adorable pregnant woman. I, on the other hand, was not lol.
ohh my goodness... 9 weeks... 8 weeks... and so big at 6 weeks.... amazing but wow! Im pregnant with my second and felt i was showing at 8 but certainly not like you. you look wonderful! xx and congrats
You look wonderful!!
Oh man. How cute is your 8 week bump? Adorable! You look fantastic! And don't feel bad. I'm on baby #2 (third pregnancy) and I popped out like WHOA right away too. Guess some girls are just made for birthing babies ;)
Six weeks? Six months? or Double Trouble?
You look ah-maaaay-zing!
That is a serious belly! Now I have to go searching your blog for pics from your last pregnancies so I can compare.
Wow, that's crazy!! You look great though.
You are just too adorable! I love it!
You look awesome Jenni! Love that belly:) Congrats on # 3.
Wowsa!! And I thought I popped out early with this little guy. Ha ha. But seriously, you look adorable!!! At least you fly past the awkward i-ate-too-much phase and skip straight to the yep-she's-definitely-preggo phase. Love it!
Oh I am in love with your preggo belly!! That is too cute how quickly you show.....I can't wait to follow along and see it grow ;)
Wow, congratulations.
Gorgeous pics, congratulations! :)
Found you at WW link up, plz come by http://daytodaymoments.blogspot.com ;)
6 weeks?! Good grief! You ARE making one huge baby... unless it's twins! Congrats all the same, you are looking very well.
Awww! You look fabulous :)
Ok, whoa. I mean, you look adorable, and I love how it's all round and cute and perfect and stuff, but how are you even going to make it to 9months?! I was HUGE when I was pregnant too, and I can't say I can look back on that time and not shudder. Are you sure there aren't two in there?! Should I add in a few more things random strangers are going to say to you, just to get you prepared for it? Okay, I'm done. But I need to see how 6 months is looking so keep up the bump shots!
Oh you look so cute! And you don't even need to explain about the belly, believe me girl I know. I almost did not take a pregnancY test with this 3rd baby of mine for the sheer fact that my belly did all the explaining. I seriously looked in the mirror and at just 4 weeks - I swear I look 4 months. But like your said, your uterus just remembers what to do! And I too have the round ligament pain! Enjoy your pregnancy! :-)
You look absolutely beautiful!!! And I can totally relate: big babies equal big bellies. Everyone asked me if I was pregnant with multiples for both pregnancies!
You have the cutest baby belly :) Can't wait to rub it in August lol
Awww!!! You are SO cute! Such a cute bump! I hope you have a very smooth pregnancy, Jenni!
That bump is amazing!! I think you're the only person I've met that shows earlier than I do. :) You look awesome.
Wow, your belly is impressive and so cute!
your belly is adorable! thanks for sharing ;) i am a new follower this pregnancy, and excited to follow along with you on your journey! happy wednesday
You look fabulous mama!! Can't wait to follow this pregnancy :)
OMG!! You look so good! That is a major bump, just means your a pro at growing healthy babies right? :)
Annnnd, there it is!!! :)
that is disturbing and frightening all at the same time. you might be having a dinosaur.
Such a cute little baby bump. Congratulations!
congrast..and good luck!
adorable as always!
and i call quads! MWAHAHAHA ;)
- k
HI!! You look amazing!! And like other commenter said at least you dont have to go through the awkward phase of keeping it a secret but people are wondering why you looking fat :)
Sooooo cute!!!!! You are so good at growing babies...that perfect little bump proves it :)
I love the bump! Taking weekly pregnancy pictures is one of my favorite parts about being pregnant! And wow those are some big babies. Straight to 0-3 month clothes huh?
I think you have one of the cutest baby bumps EVER! I look like a big fat blob -- this is precious!
That is amazing how fast your body knows what to do! You look amazing especially being so tiny everywhere else :). It is nice that you get to skip the looking fat stage and go right to the looking pregnant stage! I'm 16 weeks and still kind of in between fat and pregnant ;)
So stinkin' adorable! Love it!
You look adorable!!
Congrats Jenni! You look adorable. I love the growing belly!
hey! don't remember where I've seen your blog before, but I just ran into you again on my babycenter app. just found out we're expecting #2 a few weeks ago and it'll be fun to have someone to follow along with. We're due 5 days after you!
You look so cute!
Come link up for WW at Marriage from Scratch.
Hi Jenni, I have been meaning to visit your blog for some time {since I'm following you on instagram} and finally I'm here! btw...I have monster babies too. Probably b/c I have a 6'11 monster husband. My first baby was 9.5lbs too and 22inches long :S I am not even joking when I say I'm nervous to have a second. You look amazing btw! pretty sure my uterus will be doing the same thing
I'm the same way, and the babies keep getting bigger - #3 was 10 lbs! You're the perfect kind of pregnant that I always wanted to be, though - I got big ALL OVER! Thanks for sharing the pics; looking forward to watching your progress!
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