{Shirt: Old Navy // Pants: Joe's Jean's khaki's}
Can I just talk about my maternity pants for a second? I knew Joe's had maternity jeans & pants, but I also knew that they were upwards of $200 {like their non-maternity pants.} So, of course, I never even looked at them. Well 2 weeks ago, Pea in a Pod had a huge BOGO sale so I took a look at their pants selection. I was in desperate need of new pants this pregnancy since I lost 30 pounds after I had Brynn. Well imagine my surprise when I saw these adorable pants...
...on clearance for $70. Now I know that still seems like a lot, but these are $195 pants. Andplusalso? Buy one, get one. So I got these adorable Pea in the Pod jeans {that I tried on in the store just a week earlier and refused to pay $85 for} completely free. Deal of the century. These are really nice pants. Really nice. I can kinda see why people pay $200 for them. They fit so well. Like "real people clothes" well. {And by "real people clothes" I obviously mean non-maternity clothes. Obviously.}
So yeah, the bump. Thoughts? It's still bigger than the average 10 weeker {or, ya know, the average 25 weeker} but I still think it's smaller than my belly with Brynn. I expected this however, due to the weight loss.
But that is some bellah, huh?
Pregnancy: 10 weeks {woo hoo, double digits!!}
Weight Gain: -3 pounds
Sleep: Still sleeping fine. I have trouble staying awake, actually.
Gender: We're team green, so we'll find out in September!
Names: More to come on this!
Feeling: Well I hit my magic number: 10 weeks. And I'm feeling really great! I'm hoping that my m/s is now gone forever and it's something I never have to experience again in my entire life.
While the nausea really let up at the 9w mark, I was still feeling kinda sick from 5-7pm. I started eating B-Natal pops on my way home from work everyday and they worked wonders! I was able to actually eat dinner. Heaven. Well starting Saturday night, I didn't even need the pops at dinner time anymore. WOOT!
Sayonana, nausea. Be gone.
Health: Well I have my first glucose test this week {ya know, due to my monster babies}. Should be fun. But hey, with the m/s gone, it will make it a little easier to drink that gross orange juice.
Movement: More on this.
Belly: See above. And for comparison, here's my 10 week belly with Brynn.
Next Appointment: Thursday, February 23rd at 10w4d.
It's my very first OB appt, so I'll likely get a mini ultrasound {just with the travel machine, but I'll take it!} I am so nervous for some reason. I know we already saw a heartbeat and I keep trying to remind myself that there's a 95% chance that everything is fine and we'll see a heartbeat again this week. But I can't help but be super nervous about it. Oh, and of course, my glucose test is this appointment as well. Fun.
Happy Monday!
You are so cute! I just found your blog, and I'm super excited. I can't wait to catch up & learn more.
Jessica @ Stilettos & a fishing pole
I think you look great!
I'm curious about the early glucose tests. I had a 9 lb. 5 oz. baby last time, and my doctor was certain he was going to be mid-7s. So I'm wondering if she'll make me test early. I didn't have GD with Noah.
I saw the BOGO sale at Pea in the Pod. And... I bought a couple of shirts. I should have gotten some pants, too though. I really need some. Happy 10 weeks!!
you are so cute! Good deal on the pants! Looking forward to following your pregnancy, I am fairly new to your blog (I missed out on the other 2 pregnancies)!
Thanks so much everyone!!
@thefamilymath- You probably will! That's exactly how big Carter was and I didn't have GD. And Brynn was 9.3lbs. Both born early. I took the early glucose test with Brynn and didn't have GD either time. Just monster babies =)
Wow, those pants look cute on you but I would have NEVER gotten them because they make the model look like she has a muffin top, and if a model has a muffin top, lord knows I will. I have to say my desinger maternity jeans have been my favorite and worth every penny so great job finding a cute pair on sale. Congrats on your pregnancy.
I love your bellllllly!!!! So glad you're feeling great! You lucky duck! I was sick forever with my girls!
first off? where the eff is "anonymous" seeing a muffin top on that model?? pretty sure there's a baby in there. or at least a strap on belly. weiiird.
anywho, i LOVE your 10 week belly. and i get nervous with every u/s too. and i'm known to go into my doc's office once a week to hear baby's heartbeat by doppler just because i'm a freak. but they oblige & are nice about it & tell me to come back anytime, so i do!
ps: glad our friendship is now legit since you're an official follower. wtf jenni??? jk ;)
You look great! Congrats on baby number 3. I've been a fan of your blog since you were on The Bump with Brynn...it's the only one I've followed since! Can't wait to see what you have this time...my guess is another little girl!
Wish I would known about their BOGO b/c I loved their jeans during my 1st pregnancy
@ Amy -- 4th picture in on the Joe's Jeans Khaki's. I don't care what anyone says, that "B" in the back means the pants are not fitting properly.
I can attest that these pants do not give me a muffin top... if anything they smooth everything out with the secret belly fit top. They're AMAZING!
I agree with you, Jenni. You look better than the model does in them. There is some serious ill-fitting ness going on in the website picture. Just sayin'. I was NOT saying that it did it to you.
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