So I tried the "no heat curls" thing last night. And I didn't know how I felt about it until I walked into work this morning and was immediately jumped by my entire office exclaiming how gorgeous it looked. {Not me... just my hair.}
So, I guess I like it now? I don't know... ask me again after the rubber band mark on my forehead finally goes away.
Okay, so let me explain how this works. If you'd like an in-depth explanation {and have a lot of free time on your hands} then you can watch
this 13-minute tutorial.
Or? You can just take the 45 seconds it requires to scroll through these pictures.
I thought so.
First, you have to shower. I know, I know.

You can use product in your hair, or you can just blow dry it... completely up to you and how your hair holds curl. Here's what I used...

Yes, I have a slight Bumble & Bumble addiction.
After your hair is dry {don't be jealous of my fro}...

...then it's time for the elastic hair band.

Next, you simply take a strand of your hair, and wrap it around the band and pull it through the other side. You will continue to do this all the way around.

{Curls in the front, party in the back, eh?}
Okay, so the first time I did this, I either didn't pull my strands through tight enough, or my hair is a complete pain in the ass {I think it's the latter} so I had to pull it out and start over.

But? Look how fast it curled it. 10 minutes. And you can already see the hair band mark on my forehead {yes, after 10 minutes. I'm telling ya... it still hurts.}
Anyway, once your hair is finally all through, it looks something like this...

...which Bob thinks is a cross between an 80's lady, and a Greek goddess {though he threw in the Greek goddess thing at the last second. Thanks honey.}

Sweet. So, yeah... you sleep like that. All night. And if you're trying to keep your husband away, then try this. It will work.
When you wake up in the morning, you just take out the hair band and viola... curls.
BUT... not all of my pieces curled. Especially towards the side/back... my "no heat curls"? Well, they ended up needing some heat.

Ahhh, much better.

I decided to clip it back a little just to keep it out of my face. Here's what it looks like when I'm actually presentable {and not posting pictures of myself in my pj's with no make-up.}


So yeah. Questions? Comments? It was fairly easy to do, and so far every single person that I've come in contact with today has said something to me, so I guess it looks nice?
I'm just trying to decide if this hair band scar on my forehead is worth it.

Guys?? We're #6!!
It looks super cute! I can't wait to try it. How many curls do you think you had to make with the curling iron?
Very cute! I have very uneven wave in my hair... I wonder what mine would do with this idea. Thanks for sharing!
Love it!!! I am always looking for new ways to style my hair. Thanks!
I think it looks great!! But I can't stop laughing at you about the hair band mark on your head. I seriously am sitting at my desk Laughing out Loud (tears in my eyes)!!!
Super cute! I'd love to try this but I already have enough curl!
Jenni! I think it looks nice. I just texted you about Bumble and Bumble, yesterday...too funny. Hope you are well. Luv ya Kate
This has nothing to do with the curl trick...totally have done it before, and it works. BUT, MY GOD YOU LOOK SO SKINNY.
I saw this on irocksowhat! I am dying to try it, it looks great!
So trying this, feel like an expert after seeing it on repeated blogs and I haven't even tried it.Looks adorable and I LOVE your striped top!:)
Sexy mama!!!!!! I love it!
duuuuude. i like it! and yeah, you had to curl a little bit later, but it's still waaaay less time!
So do you order this headband online or was it your own headband? Love the look!
LOVE! super cute! your turned out alot better than mine lol
I love it!!!! SUPER cute!!!!
you look so skinny!!!
I work for a college too and I am jealous of what you get to wear.
Awwww, you look beautiful! That's a really cool way to get curls. You know what's another cool way? Pregnancy. Totally curly hair after I had Landon ;)
It does look cute! Not sure about the headband though : ) you did a great job.
I might try this! I only say might because a-even hairdressers can't get my stubborn hair to curl! and b-I move constantly in my sleep!
It does look cute though!!!
(and I love the outer banks many more days?)
I am trying this tonight, just incase I didnt turn out, I didn't want a hair disaster before work today :) You look adorable!
Looks great! Will have to try it sometime! :)
This is amazing and I must try it. You look great.
To get around the hairband mark, stretch the band really good by holding it and trying to touch your elbow with it. Just to be safe I also got one of those ethnic hair sleep caps (they're gray and black satin and it costs $1 or so at Walmart) and when I finished wrapping the hair I put it on and tucked the cap UNDER the front part of the headband to give a barrier and take the pressure off.
Last tip: When I woke up, I sprayed it with curl locking spray and blasted it with the hairdryer; hot for about one minute and then cool for about one minute. Take it out (head upside down), shake and finger through slightly, and VIOLA! Lol.... well.... most times. Sometimes my hair just hates me and I use my trusty fluffy hair trick: the messy bun :-)
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