As you saw from my Week in iPhone Pics post, Carter and I headed down the shore to hang with my two sisters, my brother-in-law Matt, and my niece & nephew on Sunday. It was such a lovely day. See...

What you didn't see in that little collage is this...

The first one, well, that was me. I broke it. I was sitting on the chair and then got up to get Carter some water for his bucket and when I plopped back down, there went the chair.
For the next hour, I heard so much shit from my sisters and brother-in-law. "I thought you LOST almost 30 pounds!?!" and "Watch your chairs everyone... don't let Jenn sit in them" and, of course, the line from Shallow Hal...
"Geez, what was that chair made of?"
"Reinforced steel."
So after my chair broke, my sister Kacy was nice enough to give me her chair while she laid out on her beach towel. I took a look at the seams and noticed that this chair looked a little weak too and I made sure to say something about it.
Fast forward 10 minutes.
I got up to get Carter yet another bucket of water {because he didn't believe me when I told him they were all out of water...damn, my tricks aren't working anymore} and Kacy plopped down in the chair.
And it broke.
And I about peed my pants.
What are the chances of both chairs breaking in the same place on the same day??? In our defense, the chairs were about 100 years old.
And I have to be honest... as soon as Kacy broke the second chair, I immediately felt better about myself.
ETA: Kacy's comment. Because I love it.

carry back to the car on the way home! =)
Sounds like just some old crappy chairs to me. But leave it to family to make you feel oh so good. lol. Happy WW!
LOL I think the operative word is "plopped" ;) Those poor old chairs just couldn't handle it. Perhaps if you'd gingerly seated yourself (ya right! amiright? lol!) it wouldn't have happened. Old chairs are old and you clearly are not fat! And don't pee your pants Bahahah! ;) *HUGS*
Oh man, I would have peed as well. So funny.
And I love the "angry carter" face in the background. Yeah, I think Carter and Landon would get along juuuusssst fine.
I think I would have peed too! Leave it to old chairs to make you feel "heavy" in the pants. :P
Oh, this is too funny! I'm so glad your ego was redeemed when your sister broke a chair too :)
I've broken my share of camping chairs.....nothing like it to make you feel large :)
haha, those chairs always break! They are for 25 lbs kids - I promise you! :) haha
hide ya beer, hide ya chairs and hide ya pringles cuz kacy and jenn's fat asses are breakin everything out here.
Bwahahaha, Kac... I LOVE IT!
The pictures are fun, but not the chairs. That totally sucks. But I would have laughed if I was there.
I took one look at those chairs and laughed. Why? Because you can tell that it wasn't your asses that really broke it. Wear and tear is totally at fault. I'll gladly share my beach chair with you. ;)
ummm. kacy = funny.
That is hilarious :-)
LMAO.... had to! :)
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