Real quick... we hosted a BBQ at our house last night and I practically chopped my left index finger off cutting rolls that I couldn't even eat! As Kelly said, that's not a good way to lose weight. ;) I probably should have gone to the hospital for stitches, but did this instead...

Okay, back to Medifast. Big news guys...
I bought size 8 jeans this week. Size 8. Now I know what some of you may be thinking... Size 8? What a fat ass. But really? That's my size. I wore a size 8 in college when I was 130lbs {I'm 5'8 by the way.} It's my big {soccer} thighs that have always prevented me from wearing smaller sizes. {Oh, and my butt. I have a big butt.} So to be in a size 8 again? I never thought I'd see the day. I am beyond thrilled.
I took a picture of me in my new size 8 jeans, but I {of course} forgot my camera wire, so I can't upload it for you. I'll add it later, I promise!
SIZE 8!!!
Weight loss to date: -18 lbs
Weight left to lose: 12 lbs
First Goal: 10 pounds {Reached: 3/23/11}
- Reward: Pedicure {Check!}
Second Goal: 20 pounds {Oh, so close!}
- Reward: Joe's Jeans {You have no idea how bad I want to order these jeans.}
Final Goal: 30 pounds
- Reward: I'm thinking a new Coach purse! ;)
Success: Losing a pound even when I was close to {coughing} death and during TOM. And have I mentioned my size 8 jeans yet?
Set-Backs: Being sick made me feel like crap {obviously} therefore I didn't work out at all this week. I had the occasional walk, but no 30 day shred. {Jillian's pissed!} I need to feel better and get back to it, pronto.
Oh, and my plan to remove my finger didn't work either. 0 for 2 this week. Damn.
Exercise: Jillian, I'll be back soon dear... this I promise.
My blogger friends are doing awesome, so don't forget to visit their blogs and cheer them on:
Kelly from The Turnip Farmer
Stephanie from Goober Grape & Monkey Man
Tiffany from MomNom.Com
Hoping to reach goal #2 this week!! Only 2 pounds away! Got any tips for me? {That maybe don't include cutting off a limb?}

whooo whoooo! good job, that's amazing!
Psh, i WISH i could be a size 8! i've always had hips and ass.. even more so now that i pushed a kid through them. even though i've dropped 25lbs, i'm nowhere near where i want to be! let's goooo swimming pool body (notice i didn't say 2 piece. come on, now!)
Keep it up, dear! You are SO close to 20 and buying those jeans! If you lost 1 on TOM you'll be surprised how great next week will be! So close to goal!
You are doing awesome. And um...the painter's tape thing...yeah. Been there. Done that. And have an inch long scar on my right index finger that goes all the way down to the bone (and I didn't even bother going to the dr's). :)
anyone that thinks size 8 is a fatass needs to have their damn head examined.
great job jenni!
Keep up the great work!! You are going to be sporting your Joe Jeans and Coach bag very soon!! Size 8 is great. That is my normal size too. I am size 10 now, I can't wait to fit into my old pre baby jeans!
CONGRATS!! That is awesome and I wish I was in a size 8 again... I am still size 12 but they are a bit big now but 10's are still a little to tight for comfort. But I think that what you are doing is amazing and you are doing good. :) Keep it up!
Way to go, chica! Size 8 is a huge accomplishment and you should flaunt as much as you want!
Your face looks so thin in that picture! You look great! Great job.....keep it up, you are a total inspiration.....
I really like your blog but when you said Size 8 - are we thinking fat ass I was insulted. You were likable before but at this moment - not so much. Congrats on being a size 8 (I am a much much bigger size - sure you could tell that - ha ha!)
Congratulations on your weight loss, that's amazing!!
Good for you! 1 lb during that TOM is awesome! I literally just put on 5 (only 3 have been lost since my TOM has passed). Size 8 is wonderous. I'm right there with you. My sister gave me some size 8 jeans that were too big (ugh!) for her and they fit perfectly. I haven't been an 8 since before turning 21!
Congrats on the weight loss! One thought though -- shouldn't you wait until you reach your goal weight to buy the Joes? What if they don't fit after you reach your goal weight?!
in what world is a size 8 fat!?!?! girl you be crazy. dude, you're doing amazing! i'm so impressed! i want to start working out and stepping up my weight loss. you're such an inspiration.
You look fantastic! The hard work is definitely paying off for you.
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments!!
And I didn't mean to offend/insult anyone with the size 8 comment. Obviously I'm excited to be in a size 8... I was just making the point that a size 8 is MY size. And I'm back, baby. ;)
@DPack- I think if I order a size 8 I'll be fine, since that typically the size that I wear (even if I lose another 5-10lbs!) The problem? Making sure I stay in them, lol.
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