I apologize in advance if this post gets long, but I do have some things that I want to express on here and I hope that you choose to read it. If not, that's okay. I think just writing it down will make me feel better.
First, I want to say thank you to all the congrats and well wishes to my "it's a girl" post. I truly appreciate it! I'm still shocked that we're actually having a little girl!!! Bob, not so much. He knew it was a girl this whole time, so as I go around day after day saying "it's a girl?" he just responds with "yep!" =)
I didn't say much in that post on purpose because the truth is, they found something on the ultrasound. Baby girl has a white spot on her heart. Bob and I could clearly see it, and since the ultrasound tech was taking more than a few pictures of it, I decided to ask her about it.
Now, as far as u/s tech's go, they're really not suppose to say anything about what is found on an u/s until after the doctor has had a chance to look at it. But, because it was 2 days before Christmas and knowing that the office wasn't open again for another 5 whole days after my u/s, she decided to tell me what she thought it was.
A "prominent pulmonary muscle" is how she explained it. What does that mean? I have no idea. She kept explaining that it was "no big deal" and "very common" but of course I'm going to worry about it. Anything less than "your baby is the most beautiful and perfect thing I have ever seen" would make me worry, ya know? I just want baby girl to be okay.
Bob and I decided not to tell our families about what they found on Brynn's heart until after we heard back from the doctor. We didn't want to make anyone else worry if they didn't have too. The u/s tech said that the doctor would call us if she was concerned about it. And the good news was, everything else looked perfect. Focus on the positives.
Yesterday I got the call. As soon as I saw the number, my heart dropped into my stomach. The doctor didn't say much. At all. She just said that she wasn't sure what it was and that she was sending my paperwork over to the hospital and that they would call me to schedule a level II ultrasound. As soon as I hung up, I couldn't control myself. I cried and I cried and I cried some more. I was home by myself and I wanted to calm down before I called Bob. But, of course, as soon as he picked up the phone, I started crying again! He came right home with Carter and I was so glad that they did.
I decided to Google. Bad idea. Don't ever do that. I'm not even going to talk about what I saw on there. It's just a bad idea. Don't do it.
I then decided to post on the mommy board that I frequent to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I got so many responses. Thoughts and prayers and comments from women who have gone through the same thing. All with positive results! I felt SO MUCH better after talking about it on there.
The conclusion: it appears as though the spot on baby girls heart may only be a "cardiac echogenic focus" which is one of many soft markers for downs. Because baby girl only has one soft marker, we're keeping a positive attitude that she will be perfectly healthy. Of course, we won't know exactly what it is until after the level II, but we are HOPING that's all it is! I'm still awaiting a call back from the hospital to get my appointment scheduled asap.
And to our families- we don't know what we would do without you. After telling all of you, we feel so much better. The love and support that you have for us is truly amazing and we love you more than anything in the world. We are so lucky.
Okay... now for the good stuff. Pictures!
My doctor's office has a brand new 3D/4D ultrasound machine so anytime you have an u/s, you get to see everything in 3D/4D as well and it's amazing!
On our way to the ultrasound... {it snowed for Carter's big u/s too!}

3D of Brynn covering her face. It even looks like she's smiling!
Hands over her head!
Kind of a "talk to the hand" pose. Are we in trouble already?
Side view of her eye, ear, shoulder, etc.
Now for the 2D pictures...
First, I want to say thank you to all the congrats and well wishes to my "it's a girl" post. I truly appreciate it! I'm still shocked that we're actually having a little girl!!! Bob, not so much. He knew it was a girl this whole time, so as I go around day after day saying "it's a girl?" he just responds with "yep!" =)
I didn't say much in that post on purpose because the truth is, they found something on the ultrasound. Baby girl has a white spot on her heart. Bob and I could clearly see it, and since the ultrasound tech was taking more than a few pictures of it, I decided to ask her about it.
Now, as far as u/s tech's go, they're really not suppose to say anything about what is found on an u/s until after the doctor has had a chance to look at it. But, because it was 2 days before Christmas and knowing that the office wasn't open again for another 5 whole days after my u/s, she decided to tell me what she thought it was.
A "prominent pulmonary muscle" is how she explained it. What does that mean? I have no idea. She kept explaining that it was "no big deal" and "very common" but of course I'm going to worry about it. Anything less than "your baby is the most beautiful and perfect thing I have ever seen" would make me worry, ya know? I just want baby girl to be okay.
Bob and I decided not to tell our families about what they found on Brynn's heart until after we heard back from the doctor. We didn't want to make anyone else worry if they didn't have too. The u/s tech said that the doctor would call us if she was concerned about it. And the good news was, everything else looked perfect. Focus on the positives.
Yesterday I got the call. As soon as I saw the number, my heart dropped into my stomach. The doctor didn't say much. At all. She just said that she wasn't sure what it was and that she was sending my paperwork over to the hospital and that they would call me to schedule a level II ultrasound. As soon as I hung up, I couldn't control myself. I cried and I cried and I cried some more. I was home by myself and I wanted to calm down before I called Bob. But, of course, as soon as he picked up the phone, I started crying again! He came right home with Carter and I was so glad that they did.
I decided to Google. Bad idea. Don't ever do that. I'm not even going to talk about what I saw on there. It's just a bad idea. Don't do it.
I then decided to post on the mommy board that I frequent to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I got so many responses. Thoughts and prayers and comments from women who have gone through the same thing. All with positive results! I felt SO MUCH better after talking about it on there.
The conclusion: it appears as though the spot on baby girls heart may only be a "cardiac echogenic focus" which is one of many soft markers for downs. Because baby girl only has one soft marker, we're keeping a positive attitude that she will be perfectly healthy. Of course, we won't know exactly what it is until after the level II, but we are HOPING that's all it is! I'm still awaiting a call back from the hospital to get my appointment scheduled asap.
And to our families- we don't know what we would do without you. After telling all of you, we feel so much better. The love and support that you have for us is truly amazing and we love you more than anything in the world. We are so lucky.
Okay... now for the good stuff. Pictures!
My doctor's office has a brand new 3D/4D ultrasound machine so anytime you have an u/s, you get to see everything in 3D/4D as well and it's amazing!
On our way to the ultrasound... {it snowed for Carter's big u/s too!}
3D of Brynn covering her face. It even looks like she's smiling!
My frog leg baby!!

And probably my favorite picture of the day... side profile view of our new baby girl. LOVE that little nose! I think she looks a lot like Carter here!
Bob and I right after finding out we were having a little girl =)
After the big ultrasound, we headed out to do a little shopping and go to lunch. Here are a few of the things that we picked up for baby girl. It was so weird being on the "girl side" of the store!!!
Carter man also got a few presents too. Can't forget big brother =)
And probably my favorite picture of the day... side profile view of our new baby girl. LOVE that little nose! I think she looks a lot like Carter here!
I want to talk a little more about the moment I found out we were having a girl, but I'll save it for another post.
Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers for Brynn's heart. We sure could use them! I'll keep you updated about when my level II u/s will take place and give you all the details about what they find. Here's to hoping it's nothing at all!
First of all, your girl Brynn is beeeeautiful, Jenni! You must be SO excited to finally be on the girl side of the store. DH and I went shopping after our big u/s too and for some reason I ventured into the girl side of the store and almost shed a tear thinking I might never have a mom/daughter relationship since this is most likely our final bambino! I'm still so excited to have another boy but I think I just needed to feel those feelings.
Secondly, I saw your post late last night about the white spot on the u/s. I just think it's too weird that this is happening to you too. Seriously, the same EXACT thing just happened at our ultrasound and I don't know if you know the results but our level II showed no other issues and it was determined that baby B is just fine and dandy!
I know the feelings your feeling and it's okay to be scared. I think it's totally normal. If you'd like to email me please do. B has the exact same thing . . . an echogenic cardiac focus. They said it will most likely go away by the third trimester. I bet you guys will find out the same good news at your level II. But having just been through it I know how nerve wracking it is to get that news. You just want so badly to hear that everything is perfect!
Praying for you and for Brynn!
Praying for the best possible outcome for you, Brynn and your family.
Brynn is gorgeous! I love her name! Your family is definitly in our prayers, I am keeping my fingers crossed that it's nothing to be concerned about. It's great you have Bob and your families there for support!
Love the pics - she's so cute!
I wondered what your facebook post was about yesterday and I was sincerely hoping it wasn't baby related. :( I'll be sending lots of T&P your way!
Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way! She is beautiful and so blessed to have you as a mom :).
I'll be keeping you and baby Brynn in my prayers that everything turns out how you want it. All the pictures are adorable! I would love to be on the girl side one day picking out some pink :0)
I'll be keeping you and baby Brynn in my prayers that everything turns out how you want it. All the pictures are adorable! I would love to be on the girl side one day picking out some pink :0)
Hi Jenni,
OK- I'm a lurker! I found your blog through the Rooney's (I know Erynn through Patrick and my husband). But I had to comment after seeing your last post.
At my daughter's (who just turned 2)20 week u/s, they found two soft markers, one being a cardiac ecogenic focus. We, too, freaked and felt all the anxiety and emotions you are going through. It's torture and just not fun waiting for that level II u/s. I agree, Googling is an awful idea while waiting to go to your next u/s!!!
A week later, we got our second u/s and saw a neonatal specialist. Our u/s was almost an hour long and the ecogenic focus actually disappeared by then... or at least the specialist was unable to find it. He totally alleviated our worries, well most of them, and told us these soft markers are very common and typically disapper by birth. I had no complications or issues during the rest of my pregnancy and our baby girl was born perfectly healthy-- and still is.
Ahhh, but I know how you are feeling and that's why I just had to commment. It's just devastating to hear that everything is not perfect at that big u/s. I'm sorry, but I hope your level II brings you some comforting news. I'll be thinking about you and your family.
Hey Jenni,
First, congrats on the girl! SO exciting and I love the name. Second, we had an echogenic foci on our son's heart at our big ultrasound as well. We were freaking out, but had a level 2 ultrasound 2 days later (longest 2 days of my life, I hope it goes fast for you). Anyway, they have different equipment they will use and there are very specific requirements for it to be considered a foci, such as it has to be white as bone with no ultrasound light enhancement, etc.... They looked at every inch of him and declared him healthy. They also told me that if it was considered a foci with no other Down's markers, it only increases your risk by half. So our NT results were 1 in 12000, it would go to 1 in 6000.
Anyway, sorry that was long but I know what you are going through. Our little man does not have Down's and is a happy, healthy 9 month old boy. With technology the way it is and Dr's malpractice suits going up, every little finding has to be reported, and they now find EVERYTHING. Keeping you in my thoughts!
Thank you so much for the T&P girlies! And for sharing your stories with me. It really means a lot! <3
Congratulations on finding out its a girl! Having a girl is SO much fun! I've never posted before, but have always "run" into you on the knot, and then on the bump~ keeping you and baby brynn in my thoughts and prayers, and am sure that everything will be ok! Try not to think too much about it, before you know it, you'll have your level II scheduled, and you'll be on your way to knowing everything is ok!
It's strange that I found your blog today from thebump.com. We got similar news from our doctor yesterday. Our baby girl has a choroid plexus cyst which is a soft marker for Trisomy 18. She has no other signs and the doctor was not concerned at all but we go in for another ultrasound next week just to reassure that all is well. Now matter how many success stories I read or how many people tell me not to worry, I will worry until that next ultrasound comes back comepletely normal. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope you ultrasound turns out great!
I saw today at the end of my day that you had updated with a US story....Im just now reading it! My prayers are with you and your family. Im truly sure that what happens is meant to be and even though I dont know you I have followed your blog since the beginning to know that you have the strength, courage and will to overcome any and all possibilities. Big hugs to you and I cant wait to get an update!
Big Congrats on that precious baby girl!
So sorry to hear about Brynn's heart. I will definitely keep you all in my prayers.
I love the "talk to the hand" picture! Priceless :-) My 3D pics never come out that clear!
Take care of yourself!
Prayers for Brynn and Mommy!
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