39w1d today and just had my very last OB appointment. EVER. Like, for real. Ever, ever. I promise. I also had my last BPP ultrasound as well... here are the details:
- I didn't ask how far ahead I was measuring today. I was 7 weeks ahead last week and I figured what the hell's the difference at this point, right?
- I was still sitting at 6cm, so that's great news. While every other 39 weeker in the world is hoping for progress, I, my friends, am not. 6cm is a perfectly fine starting point for my induction, and at this point, I just really want to make it to Monday.
- "Feet up all weekend." Doctors orders. No problem. {Well, except that I have 3 kids. And I'm watching my niece and nephew on Saturday night too. Hmmm. 5 kids under 6 should be no problem at all, right?}
- My BP was high again today. My OB is worried and we're both glad that I only have to make it 3 more days. She gave me a list of signs/symptoms to be concerned about {all of which I'm aware of, having had pre-e twice before} so we'll just take it easy and try to make it to Monday.
- Baby IV did amazing at her BPP today. No problems meeting any of the requirements, so that's a plus. Good job baby girl!
- The tech did a quick growth ultrasound along with the BPP. My OB and MFM just wanted a few measurements to get an idea for Monday's induction. Homegirl weighed 9lbs 10oz today. No big deal. And I'm not saying that sarcastically. I thought she'd be around 9lbs 8oz on Monday, so that's pretty spot-on. I guess we'll see! {Now watch her be my smallest baby! Fine by me! Ha!}
So excited to meet my final baby... the one who will make our family complete. We love you so much already, my sweet girl. See you soon.
Pregnancy: 39 weeks
Days until 1.27.14 induction: 3 days
Days until 1.27.14 induction: 3 days
Weight Gain: 35 pounds
Sleep: Reid's molars are coming in. Enough said.
Gender: It's a GIRL! {Check out the reveal post.}
Feeling: Ready!
Health: Watching my BP, trying my best to take it easy with 5 kids in the house this weekend and hoping to make it to my induction on Monday!
Movement: She is a crazy person and it is so painful at this point. OUCH.
Belly: Measuring 7 weeks ahead. My biggest belly yet.
For reference, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics with Reid and my first 20 weeks with Emmie Mae.
Next Appointment: ALL DONE!! I'm to report to the hospital at 6am on Monday! YAY!!!!

Have a great weekend. Enjoy that bump!! While I am totally done with being KU...I do miss that bump every once in a while. Cannot wait to see an update on Monday!
Best of luck! I can't imagine the emotions you're feeling right now! Have a great weekend and enjoy your babies before your newest little girl gets here! So happy for you :)
I am so excited for you, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you make it to Monday. Can't wait to see the beautiful girl and happy momma pics!!
YAY!! The end is near :) I'll be stalking both your IG and here for updates and her first pictures :) Have a great weekend mama; REST and relax a bit!! ::big hugs::
I am truly happy for all of you...and am happy that you will get both your Reid and Emerson (Brynn and Carter too)! Good Luck on Monday!
Ahh, I teared up reading about the kids anticipation and how your family will be complete on Monday! So excited for you all! Enjoy your "relaxing" weekend and best wishes for Monday!
Enjoy your last weekend of beig pregnant! Can't wait to see pics of your sweet new baby.
Everytime I check your blog when I've been away for awhile, I'm always blown away! You are about to have the perfect little family with two boys and two girls! Fantastic! :) I'll be checking back and I hope you make it to Monday.
Everytime I check your blog when I've been away for awhile, I'm always blown away! You are about to have the perfect little family with two boys and two girls! Fantastic! :) I'll be checking back and I hope you make it to Monday.
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