What do you think little IV will be... a boy or a girl?
I added a poll to my sidebar so feel free to vote over there and/or own up to your vote by commenting on this post. Can't wait to hear what you think!
My ultrasound is at Maternal Fetal Medicine at 9:15am on Friday morning and will be a Level II 3D/4D scan. It should take about an hour. Then we're doing the reveal dinner on Friday night, so I should know around 6pm what this little bugger is {nope, we're not finding out at the ultrasound... we'll wait and find out with our immediate families!}
And guess what? We're taking Carter with us! I'm so excited to take him and he can't wait to "see" the baby. We have to run errands after the ultrasound anyway, which includes taking him to finish getting his school supplies {HE STARTS ONE WEEK FROM TODAY, OMG!} so we thought it would be fun for him to just come to the appointment. It's nice that he's finally old enough to understand what's going on this time. I'm just a little worried about his reaction if this baby is a boy. He really, REALLY wants a girl and won't even talk about boy names with me. He just KNOWS this will be a baby girl named Sawyer {according to him} and that's that. Ha! But I'm sure he'll quickly adjust to the idea of another brother, if that's the way it goes on Friday :)
So yeah... cast your votes! And please send all of your good vibes for a healthy baby!

I'm going with another boy :)
I'm guessing girl, because I think Brynnie should have a sister.
How do you expect us to guess with out up to the minute belly shots?
I was going to guess boy, but with Carter's prediction I am going to say GIRL! My son knew before we even found out we were pregnant that he was going to have a baby sister and he was right! A sister for Brynn would be perfect!!
I voted girl before I read the post and now I really think girl bc of what Carter says. When I found out I was pregnant with #2 we told my daughter right away. She was 2.5 and she said IMMEDIATELY "it's a boy and his name is Bobby". She was right! It IS a boy! We haven't named him yet (not due till Oct) but Robert will be his middle name bc of her :)
Well on the plus side, Sawyer is a nice name for both genders. :)
I can't make up my mind. Congrats though!
I swear kids have some good intuition. My son was saying I was having a girl, right up until the ultrasound...then he switched and said "baby brother," which is what we're having :)
I'm going with GIRL!
I say girl, just to even it up! And Sawyer is better than Lion King, which is what my daughter wanted to name our son!
Have fun on Friday!
im going with girl!! i think it would be awesome to have 2 boys and 2 girls (semi-jealous over here lol)
the sweet life of a southern wife
I hope it's a girl to even it out:)
Either way, the baby will be gorgeous!
I'm guessing boy, not sure why! But I am notoriously bad at guessing gender (for myself as well as others) so take that with a pinch of salt! Still finding it so cool that we were due close together last time and this time! We just found out we're having a boy! Good luck at the scan!
Girl! Kids always know, I swear, so if Carter says girl I am going with him. Sawyer is a cute name either way ;)
I'm saying girl but I don't have a feeling either way but I definitely trust kids' intuitions when it comes to this sort of thing.
I'd love to hear how it goes with Carter at the ultrasound! I was thinking of talking Hubby into letting our 5 year old come with us for ours. I know she would just love seeing the new baby!
Oh and my vote is girl :) Mostly because of what Carter thinks. My then 4 year old daughter told us we were having a girl last time and since she had a 6/6 track record of predicting genders during pregnancy at that point, I was inclined to believe her. Then I had the ultrasound and it said it was a boy. She was so upset when we told her that she cried the rest of the day. And then...we got a surprise at the hospital and I've been hearing "I was right, Mommy!" ever since :)
Guessing girl. Can't wait to find out!
I think its a girl,
doesnt really matter though :-)
prayers from jakarta
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