{Shirt: Old Navy | Jeans: Pea in the Pod}
So, as I said in my 12 week post, my lovely friend and photographer, Steph, asked us if we'd be interested in doing a gender reveal
photo shoot with her after our anatomy scan. At first it was a "no," then it was a ... "well, maybe... let's research it." And now that we found a cool way to do it, it's a "yes." However, things have totally morphed into something bigger. A party. {Actually I refuse to call it a party, it's just dinner.}
A gender reveal
Now, I know a lot of people are into gender reveal parties. But I'm not one of them.
Actually, when I first got pregnant, my wonderful MIL asked me if she could host some sort of gender reveal party for me, which I immediately replied "thanks, but no thanks" almost as soon as she got the words out.
But I kinda knew once I agreed to do the pictures, this is where we'd end up. {And it's one of the reasons I said no at first.} So I can only imagine my MIL's surprise when I emailed her a few days ago and said "So, do you remember that party you asked me about when I first got pregnant...."
The truth is, once I knew what I wanted to do for the reveal photo session, I knew my in-laws wooded backyard would be the perfect setting. When I showed the idea to my mom and sisters, they immediately said "well I want to be there for it!" At first I was all... "well, we don't want to make a big deal about it, so we're just going to do it real quick on Friday morning after our u/s." But when I saw the look of disappointment on their faces, I put myself in their shoes.
If it were one of my sisters doing this, I would want to be there.
So the next day I sent that fateful email to my MIL. It looked something like this...
"Oh hey, can we use your backyard for our pictures? Andplusalso can I bring my whole family with me?"
Her reply? "ABSOLUTELY!!!!!" {Plus a few more exclamation points.} I told her that Bob and I would just buy pizza for everyone and it would be low key and that's that. But of course, with our moms, it's already starting to turn Martha Stewartish. {<- totally a word.}
Anyway, this will just be our immediate families {aka as low-key as possible. Not a big deal.} Our anatomy scan is at 9:15am on Friday morning and we'll do the reveal at dinner time on Friday night. We will not know ahead of time... this is legit. We will wait and find out with the rest of our family.
All you care about? I'll post the news here as soon as I can after the
{Disclaimer: Totally sorry if this post makes me sound like a brat. I just really wanted this to be a NBD type of thing, but with our families, everything is a big deal. It's one of the reasons I love them so much. I am truly thankful to have such an amazing family that continues to be here for us. We are so lucky. Seriously. And I know, at the end of the day, this will be fun and I'll be glad to celebrate this news with the people I love most. The end.}
Pregnancy: 13 weeks
Weight Gain: 1 pound
Sleep: Meh. I'm friggin tired.
Sleep: Meh. I'm friggin tired.
Gender: We find out August 30th at 18w1d!
Names: Post coming soon... promise.
Feeling: Pretty good. Still getting random waves of nausea though. Strange. Nothing too terrible, however and it's usually right after dinner.
Health: My acid reflux is pretty awful and I'm now trying Prevacid. Hopefully it works. Zantac150 isn't doing anything anymore. I think this is causing the nausea waves, actually.
Movement: So, do you remember in my last post I said I hadn't felt the baby in awhile and it was making me nervous? Now he/she won't stop moving. =)
Belly: I thought this was a fun little side-by-side. 13 weeks with Reid on the left and 13 weeks with IV on the right. I know the stripes may make a difference, but I am wearing the same jeans in both pictures. I think I look bigger and lower with this pregnancy... what do you think?
Now, I was high with both Carter and Reid and super low with Brynn, so my first thought was that this is a girl. But I also think that, because this pregnancy is so close to my last one, my belleh has just completely given up on me ;) So my official guess for this baby is BOY.
Also, here are my side-by-side weekly belly pics of my entire pregnancy with Reid.
Next Appointment: OB Appointment: My birthday!... Friday, August 9th at 15w1d. Next ultrasound: Friday, August 30th at 18w1d {my anatomy scan!!!}

Love your posts! My husband and I are currently in #4 discussions. Your posts are helping me think we are ready. #3 turned 1a few weeks ago.
keeping you and your family in my thoughts for an uneventful pregnancy!
So cute!! If I have any more I want to do a gender reveal party and shoot!
im not gonna lie, im a tad jealous of you for two reasons 1)youre on #4! lol I wanna have lots of kids, just dont know if its affordable for us. and 2)with your BBS (big bellah syndrome) you totally get to skip over those "is she fat or is she pregnant" months lol
cant wait to see what you guys are doing for the gender reveal!
the sweet life of a southern wife
That is so adorable! Cant wait to see pictures! so exciting! You are only a tad bit bigger this time around and honestly could just be from the strips. You look amazing & happy! Love it!
My 2 owls
I think that's a really cool idea about the gender reveal. Low key and surrounded by the ones you love is the way to go.
I gotta say I'm guessing girl!
Girl!! Can't wait to see the pics! ~Jenn
I agree with most of the other commenters...GIRL!! {Just because this sounds very similar to my girl pregnancy!} :)
Cannot wait to hear your name sections and your reveal party!! So much excitement :)
I'm so glad you are doing a gender reveal party... and yes it's a party because you have a lot to celebrate!!
I can't wait to see the pictures!
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