There's always a party.
Once one party is over, it's time to start thinking about the next one.
And next up? Carter.
He'll be five, people. FIVE. That's just insane to me. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that one. I mean, I remember turning five. I woke up on my 5th birthday and went in and asked my mom if I could finally go to school now. Yes, like that day. {It was August 9th, mind you.} Now, how do I have a five year old myself?? It's just crazy.
So I, of course, let Carter pick out his party location and theme. And he, of course, picked Bounce U {for the 3rd year in a row!} and Star Wars. I know nothing about Star Wars {I've never seen any of the movies... :::ducks:::} so I really had to research the perfect invite and wording for him. Once I was finished with the design itself, I had Bob read over it to make sure it made sense.
And, with that, I showed it to Carter, who immediately fell in love with it and thanked me and hugged me and kissed me and shook his booty with happiness. {I wish I were kidding.}
So, without further ado... Carter's invite.
He looks a little bit like that Luke Skywalker, doesn't he? {Ya see, I learned a character's name beside Darth Vadar! All is right in the world now.}

None of our 3 kids were planned, but somehow it worked out perfectly to a birthday every 4 months year round! Each child was born 2 years and 4 months after the last :) Kinda nice to have birthdays spaced out so nicely.
Love it! Star Wars must be the thing for the 4-5 year old crowd. My oldest will be 5 in September and has been planning his SW party for the last few months. His little bro's 1st birthday party is in June and big bro thought that lil bro's party should be SW themed too!
I hear ya! They are so fun yet sooo exhausting!!
It's okay, I have yet to see a Star Wars movie... And seeing the date of your party is making me realize I should start planning E's!
Many thanks for hosting this great visual link up!
Best wishes and happy Wednesday.
Natasha in Oz
Seriously awesome invite!!!
That is a freakin' awesome invite!
This is a birthday time of year for us too! Love the invitations! :)
I am with you, I don't know anything about Star Wars but I love the invites!
I only have one kid, so I can't comment on birthday spacing.
But I can't get over some coincidences. My birthday is also the 9th of August. My daughter's birthday is the 10th of September! Weird, huh? (yes, I am the nerd who likes when things like that happen)
Adorable invite! I too have kids who have birthdays every other month. I'm sure next year will be super busy celebrating three birthdays. Xander actually first asked for a Star Wars birthday for his 4th but eventually changed his mind. I have a pinterest board started for it if you want to check it out.
Good luck planning!
I am still trying to figure out what we will do for birthdays. 4 kids, 2 birthdays, 2 weeks between the birthdays, 1 right after Christmas, 2 boys, 2 girls. confused yet?! I can't decide if we will combine the parties, or just have 1. Probably combine for a few years until the girls are older and don't want to be trampoled by the boys and their crazy friends, or the boys don't want any pink princess crap making an appearance at their party (can't blame them!). ~Jenn
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