It's awesome.
But it's fine. Bob and I have a pretty good system going. Clean up after the kids go to bed and then just straighten up and make the beds before we leave the house every morning. Although I'm so tired of it {already, sheesh!} I do really like that our house is always clean. It makes me feel so much better and more organized! I feel like my pre-kid self again ;)
So yeah, I'll keep you posted on that and I really AM going to blog about the before and after pictures of our house. Really.
So tomorrow is Brynn's birthday. I mentioned that before and we are really excited about celebrating with her. She is the sweetest ever and I love her so damn much. I can't wait to spend the day with her tomorrow! Also... everyone in our family gets to pick their birthday dinner {my mom will make anything they want!} and Brynnie picked pancakes. So, pancakes it is tomorrow night. =)
But what I haven't mentioned yet? Saturday is my dad's birthday.
Yeah. That's going to be tough.
I cry just thinking about it.
We do have some special things planned to honor his birthday {I don't really want to use the word "celebrate"}. Everyone will head over to my mom's house in the morning to get the day started. As I mentioned before, we planted a tree in honor of my dad. Well we bought this gorgeous plaque to place beside it and we plan to put that in the ground around noon. I'll be sure to post a picture of it on IG {and likely here next week} so stay tuned for that. We didn't want anything sad... we wanted it to just be a sweet reminder of him and the lives that he's touched along the way. We searched high and low for the perfect plaque and the moment we saw it, we just knew. I really can not wait to put that out next to his tree in my mom's backyard. It will be very special.
After the plaque, we plan to have a little lunch BBQ. My dad LOVED BBQ's and since his birthday always fell on/around Memorial Day, we had one for him every year.
I remember last year, we had a BBQ for him and Brynn on the same day and it was so fun just celebrating the two of them, BBQing it up, sitting around the fire pit, as the kids rode their scooters and played on the new waterslide. My dad and I drove around from store to store on his actual birthday last year, just trying to get this waterslide for the kids. We must have gone to 10 different stores for this thing because it was sold out everywhere. And I remember thanking him for going with me and spending his birthday looking for something that would make the kids so happy. He was the best!
Sigh. Yeah. Saturday is going to be hard.
After our BBQ, we plan to visit the cemetery and then, later in the evening, head out to dinner at one of his favorite restaurants. Although we know how difficult of a day it will be, we have some special things planned and we will be spending the day together. There may be a lot of tears, but there will also be just as much laughter. My dad's girls are strong... we'll get through it.
Sunday is Aubrey's Baptsim! {We just go right from one thing to the next, don't we?} My sister has been working so hard on getting everything ready for Auggleberry's special day and I just know that it's going to be lovely. I'm excited and can't wait to spend the day celebrating such a special baby girl {and Reid's BFF, cousin, and birthday twin!}
It's okay, you can say it... she's the sweetest, right?
Okay, so I kinda have some news. I kinda submitted a proposal for this big international conference for work. And it kinda got accepted. So I'm kinda going to the conference next month. In... {wait for it}...
Yep, I AM serious.
I am so excited that I can barely contain myself. We leave just 3 weeks from Sunday! There are a few of my coworkers going as well, but guess who else is coming along?
Bob. =)
We've never been to Hawaii, so this is a dream for us. We're staying in Waikoloa, on the big island. For those that have been there before, do you have any tips and/or must see things that we should look into? I do actually have to attend/present at the conference {obviously;} but we do have a few days to ourselves and want to make the most of it! So far, we plan to visit the volcanoes and go to a luau {my idea, but come on! It's Hawaii!} Anything else you can think of? Any wonderful restaurants we should try? Let me know!
And I must must MUST thank my wonderful mom and mother-in-law. As soon as we mentioned the word Hawaii, they automatically told us not to worry about the kids. We realize exactly how lucky we are to have not one, but TWO, wonderful mothers who are there for us always and who are willing to take our 3 crazy kids for a week. You both are the best ever and we love you so very much. MUAH!
And I must do it. I must.
Oh, ya know... just a shot of our hotel pool. NBD.
Yeah, so there's not much happening lately at all, huh? ;)

Hawaii!!! Amazing, have so much fun! I think what you all are doing for your Dads bday is great! I Will be thinking and praying for your family this weekend:)
My aunt and uncle have a time share in Waikoloa and they go there multiple times a year. We went there w/them in September of last year and they took us all over the island, our own personal tour guides. It was awesome. These are some of the things we did and I definitely recommend them: The Botanical Gardens, seeing the Volcanoes, we did a Luau at the Marriot which is right near where you'll be....it looks like you'll be at the Hilton, is that right? We also did a zipline tour with Umauma Experience - http://umaumaexperience.com It was AWESOME! We snorkeled with the FairWinds tour and that was a lot of fun - except my sea sickness :( Puking in the parking lot was not fun LOL! We also did Dolphin Quest there at the Hilton - a dream come true for me to swim with dolphins. SO FUN! I have to say the BEST thing we did, absolutely amazing was our last night when we did the Mauna Kea Summit tour! http://www.maunakea.com Hope this helps. Feel free ask any questions. It is still so fresh in our minds. Amazing time. Such a beautiful and we were literally all over it.
gah! hawaii :) SO JEALOUS. and i'm assuming kid free? even MORE jealous!!! you deserve it mama!
& i will be thinking of you on saturday, i know it will be a hard day but its sounds like you have a day planned with great activities to honor instead of mourn, such a good idea!
Ooooh, la la! So glad to hear you get to take a nice and tropical somewhat vacay with the huzbo! Can't wait to see pictures!
wow lots happening! exciting about the house! CUTE cake! Sorry about your dad :( and SOOOO jealous about Hawaii!
I just got back from Hawaii a few weeks ago. I was super skeptical about going to a luau, but it ended up being REALLY cool!
Hawaii!! So jealous!!!
And I'll be thinking of you all Saturday. Hugs, mama.
A luau in Hawaii is a must! They are awesome! We loved Hawaii and can't wait to go back. Have an amazing trip. Your dad seemed like such a great guy. Enjoy the time with your family! and btw...amazing cake! what did we do before pinterest?! www.twobytwomom.com
So jealous that you are in HAWAII, we loved loved loved it there. And I love that Brynn chose pancakes for her birthday. too cute.
I've stayed at that hotel twice in the past two years. It is simply amazing! The restaurants on site are very good. The pizza place is surprisingly good and you can eat outside right on the water. The Chinese restaurant is the only one that I would not recommend. Very close to the hotel are the King's and Queen's shops. There is a restaurant in King's shops that is called Merriman's which is really good. There is also some fun shopping (Coach, Tiffany's, etc.). The pools and lagoon at the hotel are great. Have fun!
We're coming up on the 1-year anniversary of my Dad's death, and I'm not really looking forward to that. I like that you're honouring your Dad's birthday still - we didn't do anything for mine this year. I just called my Mom...
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