Carter did awesome. I knew he would... he was so excited to tell Santa everything he wanted. And he did. He told him EVERYTHING. Ha! I also knew Brynn would freak out. As you can see from all the Santa pics below, my kids tend to hate Santa at ages 1 and 2. That means that Brynn will be happy next year just in time for Reid to freak out. Sweet. Nothing makes a Santa pic better than a screaming kid. {I'm serious.}
Santa, 2012
{Carter 4 years | Brynn 2 years | Reid 3 months}

Awesome, right? Carter wanted to make sure he was holding Reid's head so Santa didn't drop him!
Here are a few more pics of the kiddos with Santa through the years...
Santa, 2011
{Carter 3 years | Brynn 19 months}

Santa, 2010
{Carter 2 years | Brynn 7 months}

Santa, 2009
{Carter, 17 months}
Santa, 2008
{Carter, 5 months}


Haha! I have a few pics like that too. :) In a couple years ya'll will have some good laughs over these pics.
Santa's face in 2010 is cracking me up!! Hilarious!!
Hi, first time I'm linking up to your Wordless Wednesday linky party. Sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I'm sure your heart must be aching but let time heal and his memories always remain in your hearts. Deepest condolences.
Ha ha. Love these.
I have been thinking about you a lot. Let me know if you need anything.
I've been thinking of you, Jenni! Hope you're finding a little more to smile about each day. As for the Santa photos...they're awesome. I know it's scary for the little ones sometimes, but I secretly love those crying Santa pics. lol
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
These have got to be the cutest pictures! I love seeing the difference in years!
I LOVE that its the same Santa! Thats great, my favorite is Carters first when they are both asleep! YOU are an amazing mother Jenni, Your children are blessed to have you, and Im sure your dad is so incredilbly proud of you right now xoxo
Aww, that is too funny!!! My little guy wouldn't even get close to the guy in the big red suit this year... so we skipped it. Probably would have looked about like that. LOL
I love these pics- we only did it once with my first born. He hated it so we never did it again.
My heart is aching for you knowing all you are going through. Praying for peace to come into your life although I know that won't make everything better- just take the edge off the pain. I wish I could reach through & at least give you a hug.
Super cute!
These are great!! I have some screaming ones too, I love them!
oh my gosh! i love santa's face in 2010!! so funny!
Ha! I love the screaming children/santa photos. We have started our own collection of them!
How fun is that! It's fun to look back on pictures and see how much they grow. :) (Same Santa too?) Perfect.
I love this so so much!
lol love that you can totally tell your kids have an issue with santa till a certain age. Im wondering if my lil one is going to have any issues in the coming years, cuz surprisingly he did awesome this year but hes only 6 months ;)
the sweet life of a southern wife
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