{Hey Mr. Man, can you be a sweet boy and pretend mama wrote this post 2 weeks ago? She's a little busy with 3 kiddos and this update just slipped right through the cracks. Thanks, bud, you're the best!}
REID! You're two months old, baby boy. Mama can't believe how fast time is flying by again. I feel like you were just born and we were finding out we were having another sweet little boy, and now here we are, two months later.
This past month has been a bit crazy. We have been trying to get your reflux under control and, in doing so, we stopped breastfeeding and switched you to formula. While you have been doing so much better, you still spit up quite a bit. Your brother and sister never spit up, so this is quite the change for us and mama's heart breaks a little inside every time it happens. I just wish it would stop. But, with the help of reflux meds, you're no longer in pain and you stopped projectile vomiting, so that's a start. I just hope this is something you grow out of sooner rather than later.

You are doing so much, sweet boy. You are a total pro at holding up your head and you're already trying to sit up. You're very alert and you follow us with your beautiful blue eyes all around the room. You adore your brother and sister, but you also find them overwhelming at times {don't we all!} But boy do they love you. They can't get enough and they are always wondering where you are and what you're doing.

Let's see... you enjoy bath time now. You hated it almost the entire first month, but now you love it and it's your special time to talk to daddy. Mama just loves dressing you after your bath and then snuggling you and taking in your sweet smell.

In the past month, you've mastered smiling {smiling's your favorite.}

You also talk A TON! You even talk while you're eating. I think you're going to be a big talker when you get a little older, huh Mister? Mama can't wait. You're always making noises, cooing, and screaming your cute little happy screams that just make mama's heart happy.
You're also a sleepy boy. You sleep really well at night and usually sleep from about 8:30pm to 4am, eat and then go back to sleep until about 7:30am. There were a few nights that you even skipped that 4am feeding. Mama and Daddy appreciate those nights very much, sweet boy. But it's hard to get upset about those 4am feedings when you have this face staring back at you...

You've had a very busy past month...
You survived your first Halloween... you were the cutest giraffe our eyes did ever see.

But you weren't as impressed... {and neither was Aubs}

You survived your first hurricane... we stayed at Aunt Kacy's house through the storm.

You survived your first family photo session...

And you also survived your two month well-visit.

As expected, you're a big, healthy boy! You did well with your shots, only crying a little at the very end. You spent most of the time flirting with the nurses and talking to the doctor.
Two month stats...
Weight: 14lbs 8oz | 93%
Height: 24in | 86%
Love my big healthy babies! You also wear size 2 diapers and 6 month clothing and, if I'm being honest, they're both a little tight. Santa might have to bring you 9 month winter clothes this year. You're right on track to wearing a size 2T by your first birthday, just like your bother and sister!
Okay, let's see how much you've grown in the past month...

Love those big cheeks. Mama eats them up for breakfast.
You are so loved, sweet boy, and we can't wait to see what this next month brings!

I just want to eat him for breakfast too! So cute, Jenni. I want one nowwwwww!
Hi Jenni,
Ive been following your blog for a while now, and I am a new mom right now! My baby was actually born 2 weeks after you cute little Reid. Their stats are actually quite identical, and I'm also formula feeding, so I was wondering how many unces are you feeding Reid before bed that has him sleeping from 8:30 to 4, my big boy goes to bed at the same time but is waking up at 2. Also do you find that he is on a some sort of routine already during the day. Thanks...this new mom would appreciate a little insight lol
That is one totally super adorable little boy you've got there! He almost gives me baby fever =)
Such a cutie!!!!
He is absolutely gorgeous! Such wonderful photos
Aww, happy two months to Reid! So cute, and quite an eventful two months!
Stopping by from the Friday blog hop!
What a cutie, love those cheeks and big eyes.
he is so delicious!! Amazing how much they change so quickly! x
Oh my!! Too freaking adorable!
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