My OB called me on Friday with some amazing post-surgery news:
:::does happy dance:::
I feel like I can finally put this mass thing behind us. She said they were just two highly complex nabothian cysts and we don't have to worry about them for a single second longer. Considering that I've been worried about them since they found the stupid things in May, I will gladly not give them another thought!
Reid is 12 weeks old today, which means that I'm officially back to work. BOOOOO.
{That was a tough click of the mouse.}
However, I feel very {very} lucky to have spent the last 12 weeks with my new {and extremely handsome and lovable} little man. This is the longest maternity leave I've ever had {I had 7 weeks with Carter and 8 weeks with Brynn} and it still wasn't long enough. {They never are!} But alas, I'm back to work and, although I will miss my kiddos immensely, I'm excited to be back.
I'm also very lucky to have a bit of a transition phase back into working again. I'm able to work from home 3 days/week in December, while being in the office for 2 days/week. We also have the week off between Christmas and New Year's Day, so I will literally be in the office a total of 6 days in December.
And, if I'm being completely honest, 4 of those 6 days are Christmas parties. Ahem.
I picked a good month to return to work.
{Today's handsome coworker. He's a little bossy.}
We got our Christmas tree this weekend! I'm so excited =) More to come on this, but let me just tell you.... it's perfect.
Told ya.
I'm going to knock on wood as I say this, but Reid is officially sleeping through the night.
And not the "sleeping through the night" that doctors tell you about {aka 5-6 straight hours of consistent sleep}... I'm talking for real sleeping through the night. The kind parents tell you about {aka sleeping until it's time to wake up for the day.}
For the past 2 weeks or so, Mr. Man has been going to bed around 8:30 or 9pm and sleeping all the way until 6 or 7am. This morning, he slept until almost 8am!
Thank you my sweet, sweet boy.
And, lastly, a few posts I have coming up...
- Adventures in Christmas tree shopping
- This year's holiday card design
- My 2012 Holiday Shopping Guide
- And, finally, my thoughts on being team green {I want to get into this a little more.}
Happy Monday!

Boo for going back to work, but at least you get to ease into it slowly! What a gorgeous tree <3 <3 <3
You are so right; no matter how long you get to stay home with your new baby, it;s never long enough :( How awesome though, that you get to still be home so often to start :) Can't wait to hear more about your Christmas tree shopping adventure :)
Can't wait for your post on being Team Green. We're currently Team Green and we're catching a lot of flack for it. I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it!
SO glad to hear you are well Mama!
Great news all around!
Sorry you're back at work, but congrats on the negative biopsy! That's great news :)
(And you're right...your Christmas tree is GORGE.)
Congrats on the wonderful biopsy results. I'm sure it wasn't easy waiting for those. Boo on the work thing but at least your transition sounds like an easy one!!!! Is your mom watching all three for you?? I can't wait to see more updates. I mean I'm happy for you and all but I miss your posts. Haha!!!! PS love the tree!!!
Ummm, jealous! My 20 month old is still not sleeping that long!
Also, yay for awesome test results and easing back into work!
So much awesomeness going on! So happy that your mass is benign! I know that fear all too well. And um, I just have to say that Reid is getting cuter and cuter by the day. I didn't even think that was possible. :)
YAY for the mass being negative. Stinks you have to go back to work but glad you like your job. I can not believe he is 12 weeks already. Such a sweet little guy.
I am happy for you about the negative results...that had to way so heavy on you. Have a great week.
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