19 September 2012

WW: The Birth of Reid

I should start by saying that these pictures are absolutely priceless to me.  My good friend, Steph, was there to capture Reid's birth and I can't thank her enough.  It was such an emotional day {I wasn't the only family member in labor!} and to have these pictures to look back on?  Sigh.  It's just so special.

So here they are. 
Reid's birth... in pictures.

Reid Joseph
September 10, 2012 at 2:36pm
9 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches

What do you do when you're in labor right next door to your sister?

Facetime, of course.

And an hour later?  Aubrey Jean.

I was SO HAPPY that they brought Aubrey in to meet me.  My sister was having major bleeding issues and couldn't hold the baby right away.  Since we shared an L&D nurse, the nurse brought Aubrey in to my room so that I could quickly see her while they were still working on my sister. {My sister is fine now, by the way... I'll write about this in my birth story.}

Anyway... this moment?  One of the best ever.

Alright, time to start pushing.
Getting close!  {Look at the clock... Reid was born at 2:36pm}

Bob telling me IT'S A BOY!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Unknown said...

it's amazing how a set of pictures of a complete stranger can bring me to tears! Congratulations again and what wonderful pictures to have. A picture is worth a thousand words....

Amber said...

I'm with Erin, fully! <3

Anonymous said...

Me three! I love the one of you and your husband hugging.

LAuren said...

So beautiful Jenni, thankyou for sharing!

Heather said...

These pictures are amazing. Steph did a great job...as you and your sister did as well!! Just so sweet :)

Anonymous said...


Mrs.HVK said...

Amazing photos! Love! Congrats:)

Andrea said...

Oh my goodness, Jenni these pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! What an awesome moment to have captured, he is so handsome!

Katie said...

OMG Jenni I'm crying. I love so many! The one of you meeting Aubrey, the one of Bob telling you it's a boy, when you first see the baby, you and Bob hugging, and the kids meeting their brother <3 What amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing this amazing moment with us!

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful. What an amazingly tender moment to capture with such stunning photos and share with everyone. Brought a little tear to my eye :)

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh, I just got so emotional looking through those. I love the look on Bob's face as he has his hand on your head. It shows how proud he is of you. What beautiful pictures for a gorgeous family. Congratulations again!!

Pieni Lintu said...

This was so beautiful post and now I'm crying here!!! :) Thanks for sharing these!!

Funny that your sister were there same time. :D Congratulations to you and your sister too!!! <3

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Your pictures are so precious. You're making me even more impatient than I already am!

Erica said...

Crying my eyes out!! Such amazing pictures to have. Congratulations to you, Bob, Carter and Brynn!!

Anonymous said...

Pictures are absolutely beautiful! You can feel the lead up, and the emotion of everything!!! Your family is beautiful. God bless you all :)

Katie said...

OMG Jenni I'm crying. I love so many! The one of you meeting Aubrey, the one of Bob telling you it's a boy, when you first see the baby, you and Bob hugging, and the kids meeting their brother <3 What amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing this amazing moment with us!

Sweet As Boys said...


Jamie said...

priceless, so beautiful.

Jessica Hrouda said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Andrea said...

Absolutely beautiful! I'm at my desk at work in tears over the complete beauty of it. What a wonderful gift! I'm so glad we decided to hire a birth photographer and can't wait for March to meet our little one!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Stephanie did an amazing job and so did you!!! ;) Congratulations!!!

Michelle Ayers said...


Angela King said...

Congratulations to all of you! What a great day for your whole family. :)

Anonymous said...

The photo of Bob hugging you nearly put tears in my eyes and gave me the chills. Such love captured in a photograph. They are all beautiful and you have a beautiful new son. Congrats!

Suzanne said...

Oh these are so so gorgeous. You're giving me baby fever like CRAZY.

Unknown said...

these are so so gorgeous and so moving!!!
I wish I would have had a photographer! these are very beautiful memories to have

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

So so beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. And now I have baby fever worse.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely precious! And I love that your sister was next door to you having a baby as well! The photos are beautiful. Congratulations, again.

leah @maritalbless said...

Le sigh. To tears. Absolutely lovely!

OrangeHeroMama said...

seriously..tears flowing over here! beautiful shots!! WElcome Reid!!! <3 <3

Summer said...

Oh my! Idk if it's pregnancy hormones or those pictures were just the most beautiful ever!! Wow!! Congrats again!! ;-)

Unknown said...

These pictures are wonderful! It's so fun that you and your sister were in labor right next door to each other! And how cool is it that you facetimed?! Love it. :)

Amy said...

Jenni- These pictures brought me to tears! I only know your story from the bump, but what a beautiful story it is! Congrats!

Megan said...

Such a beautiful story in pictures!

Anonymous said...

I'm crying, Jenni. These are photos you will treasure forever.

Shan said...

Okay...so I couldn't wait for later. This is simply amazing...YOU are amazing! gah! :')

Anonymous said...

Tears in my hormonal pregnant eyes! I'm so glad I've asked a friend to do the same, Steph did a wonderful job!

Courtney said...

So beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

Sarah Halstead said...

Love, love, love, love!! So amazing!!

Erin said...

the joy in these photos is almost overwhelming!

Jacki said...

The one of your husband bending down to hug you, tears, all tears. Beautiful post.

Kristi Bonney said...

You're speechless and I'm crying. Best Wordless Wednesday post ever! Congratulations, Jenni. Reid is perfect and you are just such a beautiful mommy. :)

Molly said...

These images are all just stunning... they tell such a special and beautiful story.


Unknown said...

he is perfect! congrats!

Breanna said...

I'm speechless, too. You are beautiful and so is your family! Congratulations again :)

Amanda said...

Congratulations!!! He's perfect :)

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL wow!! You will cherish these photos forever and ever!

I loved the first picture of him on you :)

Jackie said...

new reader here... amazing pictures!! my faves are definitely the ones with the two boys! how ironic that i'm reading your blog and "jenny from the block" is playing on my i heart radio station now. :)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

what amazing pictures! the ones of you and your niece are priceless!

MommaM said...

Oh my goodness. Absolutely amazing.

Larissa: said...

These pictures are so beautiful. They do leave one speechless (and crying like a baby). What a beautiful way to capture such a beautiful moment! Congratulations!

Holly said...

CONGRATULATIONS! What a blessing. Brought this mamma to tears!

Ang said...

congratulations! oh my, how lovely! :)

Katie said...

Oh my word, what beautiful photos! And such an amazing birth story. Our new little one will be named Reid, too! Congratulations on your sweet boy. :)

SAH Attorney said...

Aww, your photos made me tear up... so beautiful. Congrats on the birth of your sweet baby boy!

susan.nguyen said...

I just teared up a little bit. The photos are gorgeous.Congrats on your beautiful baby boy!

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