The Plan... for birth.
Birth Plans. I'm really not all that into them.Speaking of birth plans, have you read this one? It's probably the funniest thing I've read in awhile.
I mean, I can see why people are into them if they have very specific requests {i.e. med-free, water birth, home birth, etc.} But I'm more of a go-with-the-flow type person and my only "plan" for this birth is to deliver a healthy baby.
That being said, I do have a few requests. Nothing that I will formally put on paper and bring to the hospital with me, but requests that I hope are fulfilled and I will simply remind my OB/L&D nurse at the time.
- I plan to tell every nurse and doctor that walks into the room that we do not know what we're having. I doubt they'll know either {and/or care}, but I'd rather not take any chances. And considering that I'm {likely} being induced by my OB for a third time and she's almost as excited as us to find out, I don't think it will be an issue. I'll just remind my L&D nurse and we'll be good to go.
- Bob wants to announce the sex of the baby in the delivery room {OMG, I almost cried when he told me this!} He said it would mean everything to him to be able to tell me what we're having. :::sob::: He's actually been practicing. The other day he said "should I say 'It's REID!' or 'It's EMERSON!' or should I say 'It's a BOY!' or 'It's a GIRL!'" I told him I think I'd be confused if he said the name {ya know, after just pushing a 9+lb baby out of my va-jay-jay} and saying "It's a boy/girl!" would be PERFECT. SQUEEE, I can't wait! I'm going to tell my OB at my appointment today, but I'll just remind the L&D nurse and my OB before I start pushing.
That's basically it. Because this is my third baby at this exact hospital and with this exact OB, I already know that they will immediately place the baby on my chest post-delivery and will perform all newborn procedures right there in the room {unless there's an emergency, of course!} My hospital doesn't even have a nursery, so the baby will be rooming in with Bob and I for the entire stay. :) The baby will also be brought to me as soon as possible for skin-to-skin and to breastfeed.
The good thing about having an induction is that I've already spoken to the hospital during my admissions call earlier this week, and they know all of this stuff, so I'm good to go! WOOT!
The Plan... for announcing the sex to family.
So, after being pregnant for 9 months {the last few weeks of which have been pure torture}, I'd absolutely hate to deliver this baby and then have my husband walk out into the waiting room and announce the sex of the baby to the people we love most in this world all while I'm back in the delivery room being stitched back together again.Sorry, but I just don't want to miss that moment.
So... the plan is that we will announce the sex of the baby together when our immediate family is allowed into the room post delivery. I mean, we've all waited 9 months for this moment... what's another hour for them?
I told them that we have no problem sending them a text letting them know the baby has arrived and we're both healthy, etc. But we plan to tell them what we had when we see them in person. Because my birth is planned, my mom, dad and sisters will be at the hospital already. The only people who will have to wait a little longer, would be Bob's parents and sister, as they will be bringing up Brynn & Carter to meet their little brother or sister :)
The Plan... for announcing the sex on the blog.
Okay, so after my immediately family knows the news, I will be sending out a mass text to my close friends and family. I will then post the news on my blog. My induction starts at 6am on September 10th. If this induction is anything like it was with Brynn, I will be holding the babe by lunchtime. ;)
For those that are eager to know, the post will likely go up on Monday afternoon/night depending on how I'm feeling. But I promise to post the news as soon as I can post baby!
Trust me, I know how much team green can torture people. I've been reminded of it for 9 months now ;)
Okay, so after all of this? I'm officially super excited to meet the babe! {Of course, I was already, but now I'm "on the edge of my seat" excited!}

Eeek! I can't believe you are SO close! I'm super excited to find out boy or girl :) So, I know you're not wanting to make a formal thing out of your plans, and that's cool, but can I just make one unsolicited suggestion because I love you and would hate for your moment to be flubbed up by a well-meaning nurse? Why don't you type out those 2 simple requests on a few pieces of paper and ask if you can tape one of those on the door? Give one to your OB, too, just in case... just as a reminder :) I love your plan, and I love that your H is going to tell you what the baby is!
Jenni...a few unanswered questions from a long time reader :) did I miss what you're doing for the baby's nursery? Did you breastfeed last time? Are you returning to work? Is c in preschool?
So exciting!! I think it a great plan. We didn't have a gender reveal plan and the nurse announced the gender in a very anti-climatic way. Yay for having a plan!
Hi! I've been following your blog for a while, I'm so excited for you!
9/10 is a great date, my wedding anniversary!
Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!
wohooo! i seriously can't believe you've waited to find out the are so patient!! I'm hoping and praying my girl comes soon too :) that birth plan is effing hilarious- i lost it at:
Please don’t put the baby on a scale, as we don’t want her to have the same body image issues as her fat mom.
I was team green for both of my pregnancies, and the absolute best part of being team green was having my husband announce "It's a boy!" It was just so cool. It will be so special for you, and you'll never forget how his voice sounded when he makes the announcement!
My eyes have been teary all through reading this. Blessings to you all!!
I love that Bob is analyzing how to announce. <3
Also? I better be on that mass text list. :)
Yay! So excited! And I second what Jill said. Make sure every knows your plan and that you are waiting to tell :)
I'm so excited for you to meet Reid or Emerson! And so excited to see another gorgeous face added to your family!!
I am a frequent reader but not a commenter. I think we could be best friends. I love your plan of having no plans and we are going team green if we, God willing, become pregnant again. Thanks so much for your honesty!
YAY!!! Soooo exciting!! I can not wait!! You still have my number? I want a text!!
How exciting! I can't wait for the announcement!
Sounds good!!!! I too am a go with the flow kind of person and I had no birth plan with my daughter. The only things I really cared about were what you mentioned... placing baby on chest right away, never taking baby out of your sight (unless an emergency) and nursing as soon as possible. These were already the hospital's procedures so i didn't have any worry. I believe writing a strict birth plan sets you up for disappointments. But that's just my opinion. Plus, I think everything goes smoother when your not checking stuff off the list mentally, and just going with the flow!!
Good luck!
Sounds good!!!! I too am a go with the flow kind of person and I had no birth plan with my daughter. The only things I really cared about were what you mentioned... placing baby on chest right away, never taking baby out of your sight (unless an emergency) and nursing as soon as possible. These were already the hospital's procedures so i didn't have any worry. I believe writing a strict birth plan sets you up for disappointments. But that's just my opinion. Plus, I think everything goes smoother when your not checking stuff off the list mentally, and just going with the flow!!
Good luck!
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