So, yesterday morning I finally heard from my high risk doctor at MFM regarding my MRI report. She actually read the report to me which was short and to the point. Basically, here's what it said:
- Mass seen on patient
- Similar in size to ultrasound measurements {my 2 ultrasounds and MRI were all over a 2 week period}
- Doesn't appear to have any vascular flow and/or lymph nodes.
- There is no "clinical find"
- Diagnosis: "Non-specific mass on posterior of cervix"
Yeah, that's it. No diagnosis. While it is excellent news that there doesn't appear to be any vascular flow and/or lymph nodes and the mass is basically the same size as it was when they found it two weeks ago... still not a single person knows what it is.
My high-risk doc said that she and my OB just think it's a "nabothian cyst" {<-- frankly, I agree. Disclaimer: I earned my MD from Grey's Anatomy.} They both said {at separate times} that this is something they see on a daily basis and it's nothing to worry about at ALL.
They're still not comfortable giving me that diagnosis because it's "just unusual enough that they don't want to miss something."
So now? An oncology consult. Yep. Tomorrow morning at 9:15am.
My high risk doctor is hoping that the oncologist will simply look at the MRI and say "it's not cancer" and we can all move on. But I'm 100% sure that he won't say that without doing a biopsy {I mean, who would say it's not cancer without being absolutely sure of it? And the only way to be sure is to biopsy.} I'll just go in expecting the worst.
So yeah... it looks like we're headed for option #2 that I discussed in my original mass post. My docs will likely want to deliver early {36w}, in order to biopsy {again, they can't biopsy while I'm still PG.}
Because the babe is just fine in there, this is obviously not okay with me.
I have an appt with my OB next week {which is good, because she'll have the MRI and Oncology reports by then} and I guess we'll formalize a birth plan at that time. But you better believe I will fight to deliver after 38 weeks {at the earliest!} as long as both the babe and myself are still fine. My OB is wonderful, so I think she'll be understanding/supportive of my wishes. We shall see.
And with that... the babe is still perfect. Even the MRI showed that :)
I'm just going to stay positive from here on out, as all signs point too "it's absolutely nothing." I'm not worrying about this mass thing not a second longer. I'll meet with the oncologist and that's basically all I'm doing until this baby is born. No more tests. No more poking, prodding, or cooking me from the inside out in an MRI machine. I'm done. I'll just expect the oncologist to say he wants to biopsy and go from there.
In a way, I'm glad they're taking all this extra precaution. I'll just worry about it post baby now and make sure that I'm one healthy mama for my THREE little pumpkins.
And I'll leave you with this... a bit of our group convo regarding my MRI results yesterday. My sisters think they're so funny, right!?! {I do think they're funny :}
"Ding" is my nickname, justsoyouknow.
As always, thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. You guys are the best. For real.

Continued prayers for you! You are doing the right thing following your momma gut and keeping that baby in there ;)
Sometimes a lack of diagnosis is the worst right? But it sounds like its none of the super scary yay!
Just wanted to say that I SO FEEL YOU. I went yesterday for my 6-month follow-up for skin cancer that I had removed in January. She found another spot that she wants to remove ASAP--and it's on my belly. And I'm like 22 weeks pregnant. And it's scary, even though there's no reason to really be scared...yet. It's just the darn waiting! Anyway, I understand completely and I'm thinking about you!
Glad that they don't think it's anything serious (and I have my MD from Grey's too....totally legit. I also have a lawyer's degree from Law & Order).
Ugh, how frustrating not knowing! I hope they will let you deliver when you (or the baby!) choose. Sending lots of good vibes your way!
Thinking of you and all your family, Jenni! You have a wonderful attitude, don't ever change it!
how rude and inconsiderate of your sisters.
lol, jk. we are effing hilarious. and good looking.
Thinking of you sweet mama!
Praying it's nothing. And good for you for sticking to your guns!
I will continue to pray for you!
What is TWO MORE WEEKS of them waiting to biopsy this mass that has no flow to it in the first place? I'd be really surprised if they fought you harder on this after you say, "Nope. Babe stays in."
As if being pregnant doesn't have enough worries, now you have this added issue. I'm glad it seems to be nothing serious though. Hang in there! You'll have answers soon! Keeping you in my thoughts!
Still here, still praying! :)
Oh man. Sending positive thoughts.
I have recently started following your blog and wanted to let you know that I am wishing you all the best!
Awww, Jenni. I'm so sorry this keeps leading you to more and more doctors! I really hope they tell you it's not cancer. This is just crazy! Baby is healthy and that's good news. We just need to get a handle on what this is so you can enjoy pregnancy again!
37 weeks is considered full term. if you naturally go into labor at 37 weeks or later they wont stop your labor.
Braylee was induced at 37 weeks and was perfectly healthy, didnt need oxygen, was perfect! BUT i also had an amniocentesis done (checked amniotic fluid to see if baby's lungs are developed enough) and Braylee was more than ready so that eased my mind.
GOOD luck with everything! Prayers coming your way!
Praying for you Mama!
So glad the babe is happy and healthy.
Oh how frustrating. Thinking of you.
Prayers are with you! Keep cooking and thanks for being an open book through all this really teaches us so much about it being ok to not had the perfect pregnancy and to be positive no matter what we are facing! Theres a little baby in there and doing well and healthy and mom too!!!
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