The report was unsettling.
When she received it, she immediately called my official OB {who I adore, and trust} and they both came up with a plan.
The hospital report was, again, inconclusive. The mass really could be a multitude of things. Vanishing Twin Syndrome, a cyst with an air pocket, a cyst filled with dried blood. All things we've discussed before. Both of my doctors are sure it's just a "benign variant" tumor that is located in my uterus on the posterior of my cervix. But again, no one can give me an official diagnosis.
But here's the kicker.
Because they don't know what it is, they're referring me for an MRI to be done "as soon as possible" to {and are you ready for this?} rule out cancer.
Huh? Are you kidding me with this?
Please don't talk about cancer and Oncologists to an almost 30 week pregnant woman. There's sure to be some problems.
:::breaths into paper bag:::
Okay, let's focus on the positives, shall we... because if not, I may go completely insane.
- The mass is not IN my cervix.
- It's relatively small- a little bigger than a quarter.
- It did not grow at all in the week between my initial u/s at MFM and my follow-up u/s at the hospital.
- It doesn't seem to have any vascular flow.
I know that this "hey, let's just rule out cancer" thing is basically just a CYA. And again, it's just to rule it out. But, it's still scary. And stressful. And something that no one ever wants to be told, especially someone carrying a baby.
Because it's not just me here. It's the sweet babe too.
So now we wait. We wait for the doc to call back with my MRI appointment at the hospital. I'm hoping to get in this week sometime, but with the holiday, that may pose a problem. I already have two appointments on Friday {BPP and OB} so it would be great to get it all done then. I'm really hoping this doesn't drag in to next week, but I'll keep you guys posted either way.
ETA: The MRI is now scheduled for Monday morning, July 9th at 8am. And the nurse said even that was difficult to get because they were actually booked all next week as well. But she was persistent and the hospital, thankfully, fit me in. I should get the results Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.
And with that, let me just say that the babe is still perfect. Perfect in every way possible. He/she is kicking away in there and letting mama know that everything will be just fine.
So I'll leave you with this... my sweet babe.

We are praying for y'all.
Praying for you and your sweet family.
Hoping it turns out to be a big deal about nothing.
Prayers Mama! Sending positive vibes your way. I had an MRI earlier this year for a mass which turned out to be nothing. Thank God, but the entire experience was terrifying.
thinking of you jenni!
Loads of prayers to you!
you are in my thoughts! You have a great support group!
Your in my thoughts Jenni. Keeping my fingers crossed that its nothing at all.
Jenni how scary! I hate it when the doctors dont think its [big scary thing] but just want to rule it out. I good news you are this much closer to figuring out what this thing is and some concrete ideas on how it can affect your birth. Known will make things easier to deal with. Baby feels great and mama feels great. So no worries. Unless baby or this thing start drastically getting worse quickly, I sincerely doubt your weeks will look any different from the current frequent monitoring.
Thoughts and prayers are with you, Jenni!
Jenni -
I don't even know you, but I dreamed about you and the mass last night. The funny (?) thing is... in my dream is was NO LARGER THAN THE POINT OF A STRAIGHT PIN!!!
So... even though that's not the case.. let's just say that when all is said and done - everything will be fine - and the smallness of it in my dream is giving us an indication that it's going to be NOTHING BIG.
wow..I can't imagine how this news would affect me. Don't lose hope, hang on to the positive. prayers are with you.
You and little baby are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep thinking of the positives!
Thoughts, prayers and positive vibes sent your way!
There is nothing scarier than to hear the word "cancer" when you are pregnant. My midwives went there with me, even referring me to the Cancer Care Alliance, even before they knew for sure what was going on. What I had ended up being something that could turn in to cancer, but luckily it did not.
I'll be praying for you that the mass disappears here in the next few weeks.
Sending good vibes your way, everything will be ok mama!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know all too well the worry that pregnancy ultrasounds can bring upon us. I'll be thinking of you and especially on Monday morning.
Keeping you in my thoughts nd sending good vibes your way. Hopefully you will finally get some answers!
You are in my thoughts and prayers! So many positive vibes your way. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. I'm sure it's just a super cautious precaution and that everything will be fine. You're right. Nobody wants to hear the C word, and I can't even imagine hearing that while pregnant. HUGS!
Many hugs and prayers for you, Jenni. I'm sure everything is okay and like you said they just want to make sure. I'm so happy to hear that baby is doing well!
I"m so sorry Jenni, I know this is NOT what you wanted to hear but I'm just sure that in the end everything will be fine. I hope you can take some time and relax this weekend...and enjoy the time with your family.
Hey Jenni, I don't know you other than from your blog (been around since you were expecting Brynn) and I just wanted to say I'm praying. God Bless You.
thoughts & prayers to you! i found a lump in my breast at 34 weeks & was horrified when the US turned to "lets do a biopsy now" (because it does have vascularity etc) but learned it is an estrogen fed fibroid adenoma. Thank GOD! pregnancy is a crazy time in our lives, & on our bodies. i pray for you that you do not need to face the sad & scary fears many do who are facing cancers. it hit me very hard as i waited & wondered, i know how awful this time is & i will be thinking about you girl. <3
Wow. I cannot imagine how you are feeling. Just last month we had a mass and cancer scare with my husband. Multiple doctors and procedures were done to make sure his mass was benign. It was terrifying and thankfully it was indeed benign. Praying for you and that precious little one you're carrying!
I am so sorry you have to go through this. Praying for you!! My SIL is also pregnant and has a mass on her uterus. She has been in horrible pain and she was told that its a tumor. She is on bed rest and due in Sept. I believe she is having a c section and having it removed at birth.
thinking of you and the precious baby of yours.
Oh, Jenni... I can't begin to imagine the fear you have. Just the fear of the unknown.. I have really high hopes that all is well and it will be nothing more than that; just a cyst. I'll keep praying for you!! Sending big ::hugs:: from MN!
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can definitely empathize though. When I was 36w pg with my 1st child I had to have a biopsy done on a lump I found in my breast. The fear that goes through your mind and heart is unbelievable. Thank God it was benign and brought on purely by the surge of pregnancy hormones. Praying that yours is just something harmless brought on by the pregnancy.
Oh my! I'm sure your heart and head are heavy, but full. I'm a new reader (and commenter). I'll keep you in my thoughts!!
yeah.... I just posted from my husband's google account. whoops.
New reader/commenter. Keeping you in my thoughts/prayers!!!
Thinking of you, Jenni, and thankful that your many ultrasounds allowed the doctors to find the mass. I had to have an MRI during pregnancy, and all turned out well. I know it will the case for you too. Stay positive for that sweet "team green baby" and stay strong for your little ones!! I will pray for you until you have answers! Sincerely, Wendy (your fellow Phillies fan)
Hoping it's nothing, love <3
Oh man!!! So scary. I will be praying for you and your babe!
Bless your heart!! Praying it is OK.
I think it is safe to say if it's not vascular it's not malignant.
My son has a brain tumor and it's very vascular!!
Prayers and (((hugs))) to you!
I couldn't imagine having to go through all of this! Praying for you, babe & family!!
Thinking and praying for you.
Will keep you in my thoughts!! I know how scary these things can be.
I'll be praying for you.
Thinking and praying for you & baby. God bless you!!
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