27 April 2012

Call for May Sponsors!

 I promise not to bore you as much as I bore them.  Apparently.

If you'd like to become a sponsor the month of May, I'd just need your ad button, link to your shop/site/blog, and payment via PayPal. That's it!

The 2 large ad spots are already sold for May, but if you'd like to purchase for June, you can do so now!  I still have medium and small ads available for May, however =)

Before you jump on this delightful opportunity, here is a little more info on my ad options and blog stats:
By the numbers:
Monthly Pageviews: 75,000
All-time Pageviews: 1.1 million (<- holy crap! thank you!)
Google Friend Connect: 1,910+
{Public- 1,095+ | Private- 815+}
RSS Feedburner: 1,440+
Twitter: 1,080+
Facebook : 860+
Advertising Options:
Sponsor Ad Prices

Order now... just pick your ad size & month:
Month(s) of pending sponsorship:
If you would like more details about advertising with jenni from the blog please contact me!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!


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