I know I'm a little late on this, but it's been a bit of a rough month. If you'd like to become a sponsor for November, I'd just need your ad button, link to your shop/site/blog, and the payment by Monday. That's it!
Before you jump on this delightful opportunity, here is a little more info on my ad options and blog stats:
Monthly Pageviews: 70,000
All-time Pageviews: 700,000+
Google Friend Connect: 1,500+
{Public- 900+ | Private- 600+}
RSS Feedburner: 1,200+
Twitter: 900+
Facebook : 690+
All-time Pageviews: 700,000+
Google Friend Connect: 1,500+
{Public- 900+ | Private- 600+}
RSS Feedburner: 1,200+
Twitter: 900+
Facebook : 690+

You can order below or email me with your questions!
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