So, I've been getting some tweets and emails {thank you!} asking about our upcoming vacation to the Outer Banks and I just wanted to bring you guys into the loop. Of course, anyone on the East Coast {or who watches the news} likely already knows this, but this is what we're dealing with for Hurricane Irene at the moment...

They've issued a mandatory evacuation for all of OBX and we won't be able to head down there until it's lifted and the house has been inspected for safety. Best case scenario is Monday at the earliest. Worst case... well? We won't be able to go at all.
Do we have hurricane insurance? Why, yes. Yes we do. But it's a lengthy insurance process and we won't get our money back until about January {and we'll likely just put it right on a house for next year. Yes... we'll go back.} Of course, we're glad we have the insurance, but honestly?
I'd rather have my vacation.
Today is my last day in the office. I thought it would be filled with craziness and excitement. The craziness is there, but the excitement? It has been replaced with anxiety and sadness. This is something that we've been looking forward too all year and now that it's finally here, we can't go. It's like a kick in the gut.
I know there's nothing we can do about it and we just kinda have to wait and see, but it still... sucks. It hurts my heart to think about it.
Yeah, so... that's where we're at right this second. It could change 10 minutes from now, but in the meantime? We'll just try to make the best of it.
Lastly, here's a cool shot of Irene from space....

Please keep your fingers crossed that she heads out to sea!!
I'm so sorry about your trip. Irene is indeed a whore.
Aww Jenni :( That stinks that not only do you have to deal with Irene in OBX, but here in Jersey too. Fingers crossed that she isn’t such a whore and lets you head down in the beginning of the wk. so you can enjoy that fabulous beach house!
I work at the electric company and we have to work mandatory 12 hour shifts in case there are I feel your pain! I was hoping to spend the weekend in Ocean City MD! :-(
We're preparing here in MD too. My parents are at the beach and were just issued a mandatory evacuation as of tonight at midnight...they weren't supposed to come home until Saturday.
Here's hoping you get to head out on vacation on Monday! Stay safe.
That really sucks that you have to miss your vacation. :(
Boo:( I am really sorry to hear about your trip.
Oh, and by the way...I just bought a pair of Toms and they are SOOOOOOOO comfortable, a little funny looking, but probably the most comfortable pair of shoes I own!
That sucks!! :( Hopefully you'll still get to go at some point, though. Stay safe when you do!! :)
Ashley @
Oh that stinks! So best case scenario, you're stay will be cut short?
I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you too. I can only imagine how bummed you guys all are. This calls for a weekend full of wine for you and the fam. Hang in there.
Sooo sorry for the circumstances - we go to OBX every year and my soul aches for it every year, so I can only imagine the disappointment! I hope it all works out!
Jenni maybe next yearbgo earlier in the summer perhaps?
This sucks so stinkin' bad. I hate it for you, mama!
You know what's a kick in the gut? Potentially losing your home. While I get that not being able to go on your trip sucks, there are people facing losing their homes/businesses. You'll still have time off from work, you'll still get to be with your loved ones. But there are people dealing with something much worse than possibly not being able to go on vacation.
@ Anonymous- Um, read my last post, mmmkay? I realize that this is a dangerous storm. My house is in the "extreme" area, so don't go talking as if I don't care about people's homes.
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