That's right, I'm going to be an auntie AGAIN!
My older sister, Kristi, and her husband Matt are expecting baby #3 on 11.11.11. Big brother Ben and big sister Grace are so excited about the news.

*EDIT- Kristi just texted me and said that Gracie now wants to name the baby "Bob" whether it's a boy or a girl. That is because Uncle Bob is her best friend. She just LOVES him. =)
We are all so excited about this news, but no one more than Brynn, who can't wait til the new kid comes so Carter, Ben, and Grace leave her the heck alone...
While, 11.11.11 is the coolest due date ever, it's definitely not going to be the baby's birthday. Kristi will be having a c-section between 38-39 weeks, so maybe an 11.1.11 baby is in the works ;)
Congrats Kristi and Matt! We're so happy for you!
is the coolest thing ever! =)
I love that picture of all the kids! Hysterical!
Congrats, that's great news!
Congrats again! If the Dr I want is available, I could possibly have an 11.11.11 baby :)
11.11.11 would be the coolest birthday ever! Congrats to your big sis!!
How exciting! Congratulations!
Poor Brynn in that picture..She's being pulled in 3 different directions..Too cute though :-)
Jenni, I gave you a blogger award. Check out my latest blog post to see which one it is. Congrats! http://dsgnmomonline.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/the-versatile-blogger-award-my-very-first-award/
Congratulations, Auntie! Very exciting!
I am so excited for you and your entire family! What a blessing!
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