1. How many kids do you want to have?
I've always wanted 3 kids. Always. Not sure if it's because I'm one of 3 or not, but I just don't think 2 kids is enough. Even now, after having two kids, my family doesn't feel complete. Everyone always says that you'll know when you're done having children {basically because your uterus doesn't ache for another bambino and the thought of being pregnant again or having a newborn makes you sick to your stomach.} I'm not there yet. I want 3, for sure. Thankfully, the husband is on board for 3 as well. =)
2. And, if you want more, do you have names picked out?
Well, if you read my blog when I was pregnant with Brynn, then you'll know that if she was a boy, her name would have been Reid Jospeh. I LOVE that name so much and will definitely be using it if #3 is a boy. For a girl? Still working on that. Girl names are hard for me {except for the name Brynn… see question #4 below.} As of right now, I like Emerson Mae for a girl, with the nickname Emma Mae. =)
3. You found out what you're having with your first 2 babies, do you think you'll do that again?
I will 100% be waiting until birth to find out the sex of baby #3. I am very committed to waiting. I've done it the other way twice, and while I loved finding out, I think waiting just once will be wonderful too. I'm sure I'll need your help to wait though =)
4. How did you come up with your children's names? Were they simply names you liked or do they have family/sentimental significance?
When I was pregnant with Carter, we were going back and forth with boys names before we found out the sex. We were 100% sure of the girls name {Brynn} but had no clue for boys names. Bob and I both liked Ethan, Lucas, and Carter, but really didn't love anything yet. So, of course, we found out we were having a boy. Because that's what happens when you can't agree on a name. ;) After the ultrasound, we were driving home and I looked at Bob {who was driving} and said "He looked like a Carter." Thinking that he would call me crazy, he replied "I thought the same thing!" So we agreed that his name would be Carter Robert {after, Bob, obviously} and that was that. =)
The name Brynn was a name that I have loved since I was 11 years old. My sister had a friend on her soccer team with that name and it stuck with me. I'd hear it every now and then throughout the years and continued to love it. As soon as we got pregnant the first time, I brought the name up to Bob and I was thrilled that he loved it too! It was hard to come up with a middle name for Brynn, since it's one syllable and every family name we tried either started with a "B" or was one syllable as well. So we just used Sophia… A name we both loved, but wouldn't use as a first name.
5. As a fellow 2 parent working household.... What are some tips you can give this fellow mama?
Pffft…. No tips here, I can barely think straight or string two coherent sentences together. Bob and I both work full-time, but we're lucky. For so many reasons… we commute to work together and Bob works a block away from me. My mom watches the kids for us at her house Tuesday-Friday and my mother-in-law has the kids on Mondays. Our moms make us dinner. {Sad, I know… I'm a loser, but they're so amazing and we love spending time there.} Nights are very busy when we get home and I'd be lying if I said we give the kids a bath every night. Sometimes it's not even every other night. {Oops.} My house is a mess. Want to stop over for a surprise visit? You'd have to see stools on our living room couch so Kai doesn't sit up there while we're at work, dishes in the sink, mail on the counters, laundry on the floor. Should I continue? I'm not mother {or wife} of the year, that's a fact.
6. I'd like to know how your kids are w/ their foods, meals, and how you as a family are w/ cooking/meals/etc etc.
Brynn? Loves to eat. She will eat anything we give her. But I remember Carter being like that as well, so I know it doesn't last long. Right now? Carter is hit or miss. I could make him dinner one night and he'll eat every last bit of it. If I make him the same exact thing a week later he won't touch it. Then I end up making 5 different things for him and he will only eat cheese and crackers. Fine by me. His favorites are the toddler staples: chicken nuggets, pizza, french fries, goldfish, crackers, cookies, cheese sticks, yogurt, fruit bars, bananas, apple slices… Ya know, the usuals. He also loves fishsticks {ew} hotdogs and mac and cheese {sometimes…sigh.}
He rarely eats the same thing we have for dinner, so we always have to cook him something different.
7. I'm curious how you stay organized and still do a blog since you are busy w/ 2 little ones, a hubby, a house, and a very active social life :)
Organized? Not so much. I try though. I have reminders set on my work calendar and spreadsheets everywhere. I hang all invitations on the side of my fridge so I don't forget about all the parties Carter has to go too {he has way more friends then us!} I usually blog at night when the kids are asleep, on the weekends/during nap time, and if I get a free minute at work {lunch breaks, etc.} As far as my social life, we're very lucky to live near family and have a ton of babysitters. Last weekend at my parents anniversary party was the first time we almost didn't have a babysitter. Both sisters were going to be at the party, my in-laws were down in FL for spring training {GO PHILS!} and my sister-in-law {a college senior} was on spring break in North Carolina. Thankfully, she was coming back early for something else and ended up watching the kids for us too. We paid her in Chinese food, wine, and Dunkin Donuts {ahem, sounds good to me!}
Yeah so… we're lucky.
8. What are your favorite blogs (baby blogs or other)?
Most of my favorites are listed in my blog roll! I also check out a lot of photography sites like Jessica Claire and my wedding photographer, Laura Novak. I just love to get ideas or just browse through the beautiful images they take!
9. As a fellow formula feeding mom, did you ever feel pressure to breastfeed your babies?
Whew, this is quite a question. As I'm sure you've noticed, I don't broach the subject much, basically because I feel that it's a mother's choice and how they feed their baby really is no one's damn business. But I'll answer... ;)
Did I feel pressure to breastfeed? Yes. But I also felt just as much pressure to formula feed. What it came down too, was doing what's best for me, my lifestyle, and my babies. I don't feel I need to justify my reasons to anyone and I am very confident in my decision. And my babies? They're healthy. They're happy. And they're fed. That's all that matters to me. Just feed your babies. =)
10. What is Brynn's first birthday theme and how is the planning going?
I got this questions several times and I PROMISE a post is coming VERY SOON about everything I have planned so far for little Miss Brynn's party! I really can't wait to share it with you!!! Oh, and there will be lots of pictures =)
Jack is the same way with food - one day he'll eat something, the next he won't.
Love the name Emerson Mae! I like Reid, too. Good choices.
Thank God, I'm not the only mom who doesn't bathe her children every night. Sometimes there is just not time! :)
Love the name Emerson Mae! My daughter (2.5) is named Emmerson Kate. We call her Emme or Emme Kate.
Love the blog!
2 - love the names
3 - YAY!! You'll love waiting till birth. It's SO fun.
5 - Isaac got a bath today (Thursday). He hadn't had one since Monday. I think... And I'm a SAHM, LOL.
9 - I'm glad you answered this one! I totally agree that confidence in your choices is key. Great response, mama!
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