11 March 2011

Y3W | Praying for Japan

I had this whole big post planned for today, but instead- I leave you with this...There are just no words. Everyone please keep Japan in your thoughts & prayers today. And hug your babies a little tighter than usual.

Happy Friday!

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Steph said...

It's all I can think about this morning.

Shan said...

I woke up to this and feel sick to my stomach. My closest family live on Vancouver Island...
T&P to Japan and everywhere on the Pacific Rim

Meredith said...

Justin's uncle lives in Kobe, Japan :(

I was just going to post something similar on my blog...I'm going to use this pic. Let me know if that's not okay!

jenni from the blog said...

@ Mer... it's 100% fine! T&P!

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