It's picture time! {Again.} This Saturday, we're headed to Longwood Gardens with our amazing photographer to get "little" Miss Brynn's first birthday pictures taken. {Sigh. This post takes me right back to Carter's 1st birthday pics, which you can see here and here.}
The weather on Saturday is iffy... they keep saying it's going to rain, then it's not going to rain, then it's going to rain again. The good thing is that Longwood has beautiful gardens inside as well, so we should still be able to get some great pictures! {without me in them because my hair will be a big ol' curly, frizzy mess.}
As for the outfits, picking the kids clothes was very fun, as usual. Us? Not so much. Brynn will have 1 outfit change since it's her birthday pics. I want her to wear something nice and then get some pics in her adorable birthday shirt, made by the amazingly talented Rachel, from Golden Shop. {Yes, the same person who made Carter's Phillies 1st birthday shirt and the big bro/lil sis shirts... she's awesome.}
The only info I gave Rach was that it had to be a white shirt, size 2T {for my big girl}, bright colors, and Alice in Wonderland theme. She did the rest...

As for me, I'm wearing dark jeans, flats, a grey sweater and this shirt...

Below are links to the shops where these items were purchased:
Butterfly Baby Place- Matching pillow case dress & tie shirt
Misslis Boutique- Owl hat
Golden Shop- Tea cup first birthday shirt
Nikki, In Stitches- Rosette Head band
The Limited- Purple ruffle shirt
Whew, okay... the last thing I wanted to mention is that I'm feeling super nervous for Carter's ear surgery tomorrow. I know it's "routine" and that ear tubes are "no big deal" and that it's a "very fast procedure" but honestly? None of that matters. This is my baby we're talking about. He'll be under anesthesia. That scares the crap out of me. I've heard bad things about anesthesia {I got my medical degree from Grey's Anatomy} so I'm really nervous about seeing him like that and also how he'll react when he comes out of it. My poor baby. :(
In the end, I know that this is a very good thing and that he'll feel like a million bucks once everything is healed. We're doing the right thing for him, I just know it.
Please keep Carter {and me, sheesh!} in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. We report to AI DuPont Children's Hospital at 8:20am and his surgery is scheduled for 9:40am.
LOVE the clothes! Your pictures always turn out great.
Also - tomorrow I will be thinking and praying for you and little Carter man. It will all be better soon. :O) xoxoxox
#1 - I love Brynn's shirt!
#2 - I'm glad I found those outfits.
#3 - Carter man will be a-ok! And you better text me when it's all over!
#4 - Stephadomus says no rain {or at least not until after we are done!}.
You guys are going to look so cute. Can't wait to see how the pics turn out. Brynn's 1 yr tee and dress are beyond adorable and I love Carter's tie tee!!
I'll be thinking about you guys tomorrow and have my fingers crossed that all goes smoothly!
LOVE those outfits!!!
Will be thinking of you both tomorrow. Hope all goes well! Sending hugs your way!
Love the birthday shirt! How adorable. Also, love their matching outfits...adorable. Can't wait to see the pics.
I'll be thinking of you and Carter tomorrow for sure! Hang in there mama ((hugs))
Love the outfits! Pictures at Longwood will be so gorgeous. I mean even if it rains, anywhere in the conservatory will be beautiful...especially the childrens' garden!
Good luck tomorrow, Carter (and mom and dad!).
Good luck Carter AND mommy! Can't wait to see the pictures, i'm sure they will be great, like all the others.
Such cute clothes!!! I can't wait to see the new pics of your beautiful family, Jenni!
Also, you and C-man are in my prayers tonight and tomorrow! He'll do great. Let us all know how it goes!
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