1. Friday our office closed at 2pm so Bob and I ended up getting home super early. I love when that happens. We relaxed with the kiddos and ate a yummy dinner {I actually think I may have eaten Cocoa Krispies for dinner, but I can't be sure. Either way- yummy.}
2. Saturday was girls day out! My mom, 2 sisters and I went to see Harry Potter and then went out to dinner.
3. Harry Potter was awful. And this is a not-so-spoiler alert, but really? How long can you show someone camping? Harry was in hiding. We get it. Move on.
4. I must admit that I wasn't overly excited to see the movie, because I found the first half of the last book to be extremely boring as well. I like everything else {i.e. the first 6 movies/books and the last half of book 7} so it's just something I had to "get through" I guess.
5. Carrabba's pitchers of house Pinot Grigio are absolutely delicious. They totally made up for the 3 hour movie that was about 2 hours too long.
6. I love Target. Love.
7. On Sunday, we decorated our house for Christmas!!! Eeeeekkkk. That makes me so happy. I'll post pics soon, I promise.
8. I ran out of free listening hours on Pandora. Is there really a limit? Damn "Classic Christmas" station... it got me. Guess I'll be adding more songs to my playlist below. :)
9. We watched 2 Christmas movies when we were done decorating... "The Holiday" {which technically is only a movie that takes place at Christmastime, but they count} and "A Muppet's Christmas Carol" =)
10. Carter was talking to all of the Santa decorations and telling them all "Hi Santa! I want a cool truck. Thank you." I really need to tape it. Let's hope he doesn't freak out on Santa again. We may end up with another picture like this...

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
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I love that picture of Carter! I'm hoping E doesn't freak out like he did last year.
try www.accuradio.com lots of Holiday stations, no time limit!
I'm hearing a ton of people disliked the HP movie, and noticed on FB the Pandora limit is happening to a lot of people- is that a new thing?
I'm so jealous you decorated already I can't wait to do it this weekend!!!
That picture is awesome. I was expecting the same reaction with Pie, but she just stared at Santa, like what's up dude? LOL
That picture of Carter and Santa is hilarious, but also I think thats what I have to look forward to this year :-(
No way! I LOVED HP7!! Even though it was slow I think it was important to stick to the story and show the camping. I loved the camping in the book as well :) The only thing I could have done without was that wicked awkward dancing scene. Next movie is going to be so non stop action, I'm excited!!
@ Eva- OMG- that dancing scene... WTH? The last movie will be fabulous, so I'll just look forward to that =)
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