Loathe may be the better word.
It's a "holiday" that I've just never really gotten in to and, even when I was a little girl, I use to pretend to be sick so that I didn't have to trick-or-treat.
I mean, who does that?
It got to the point where my mom would say "You don't have to pretend to be sick honey... you can just not go trick-or-treating anymore." Why, what a great idea, Mom!
Now that I have kids, hating a "holiday" such as Halloween can pose a little bit of a problem. I mean, most kids love Halloween. It's something they look forward too the entire month of October {if not longer.}
So, as a mom of 2, I'm trying my best not to let my dislike for this "holiday" stand in the way {or damper the spirits} of the kiddos. I will put out funny decorations, buy them whatever costume they want, and take them to the best neighborhoods for candy.
Shopping for costumes this year was a little difficult for me. Obviously Brynn has no idea what's going on, so I just saw the cutest and cheapest costume I could find and bought it. I originally wanted the Carter's Lady Bug costume, but I couldn't find it in her size anywhere, so I settled for this adorable Butterfly from Old Navy instead...
Yep, so those are the costumes for this year. While I hate Halloween, I can't wait to see the costumes on the kids... I'm sure they'll look adorable =)
Dress Brynn up as Boo!!
OK, love the costumes. About the Lady Bug, Olivia was that last year and I got it at Carters, I love it so much that I bought it in August when I saw it and the Lady told me it wouldn't even be around come October. The costume is ADORABLE. I wanted to put her in it again this year, but didn't fit. So my advice to you, is buy it now for next year, on the website they have 18months and it's on sale...OR I will just send it to you, you can have it, I have the 18months! I can't tell you how adorable it is!!!
Miiiike Wazowski!! Love it!
I haven't been able to pick out a costume for Claire yet. We've been everywhere and I just can't find something cute and in her size. I love that Carter's ladybug costume, wish they had it in 9-12 instead just 12 months.
@ Shan- Aww, that would have been a great idea. I bought Brynn's costume first!
@ Kerri- Aww that's so nice of you!! I think my big girl will need it in a 2T though next year, lol! Good idea about buying it early... even the store only had 18M. Booooo.
So cute! I got Lilly the Carter's Ladybug. Its adorable! Brock is going to be Spiderman, or "Merman" as he calls it! LOL! Can't wait to see your pics of the kids in their costumes!!
Well, I'm 0 for 2 when it comes to Halloween. Both costumes for Landon have been a big fat fail.
You've seen that mom who is at the store the day before Halloween searching for a leftover costume in the mounds of picked over stuff on the ground? Yep, that's me.
I just don't get what all the hubbub is about. Especially when they don't have a clue what Halloween even is!
mike wasowski, mike wazowski, mike wasowski! the sad part was that no one else got it...i was whispering hahaha his name is mike wasowski- like from monsters, inc. silence. those are the kind of people i know not to trust.
We had a hard time choosing between the ladybug and the duck, but went with the duck since ducks are clearly Addie's favorite animal. The butterfly is super cute though, and Carter is going to be adorable in his costume. Can't wait to see pictures!
Molly- i'm with you!
Jenni- I'm not a huge halloween person but love decorating harvest (thanksgiving) leaves pumpkins and what not! We wanted Lexie to be a pumpkin but couldn't find one small enough! Instead she's going as a package of sugar babies- which matches perfectly with her daddy's sugar daddy costume!
I love the lady bug! thats what my lil girl is gonna be!
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