As always, time is just flying by. I feel like you were still in my belly just yesterday. And now you're 4 months old.
You're doing so many wonderful things... "talking," pulling yourself up, holding your bottle for short periods of time, and giving the best open mouth, wet, slobbery kisses ever! You're trying to sit up yourself all the time, you love your Sophie, and your Fisher Price Seahorse doll {almost as much as your brother!} You just love to look around... you don't miss a thing! You find daddy and GG to be extremely funny... so much so that you often give the best little belly laughs at them.
You are loved. Oh, baby girl, you are so loved.
Of course mommy and daddy love you to pieces and kissing on your cheeks is our most favorite thing to do in the world, but I think your biggest fan is your brother. Carter Man just can't stay away from you. He often stops what he's doing just to run over and kiss you. If you start crying, he gets so upset and he does everything he can to help calm you down {including yelling at mommy and daddy to get your bottle ready!}
I can't believe you're 4 months old today. Just look how much you've grown:
2 weeks...
Your next well visit is October 11th and we just can't wait to see how much you've grown since your last appointment. Mommy's also going to talk to your doctor about starting you on some solid food soon too, so that should be fun! You're certainly showing all the signs of a baby who's ready to eat ;)
You're still the best baby girl ever, Brynnie. You're the sweetest thing I've ever seen and I love you so much.
Happy 4 Months, my sweet pea.
Have a great weekend!
She is adorable, and getting so big! I can't believe it's been 4 months already.
She is so beautiful. Sydney is turning 4 months in about a week and a half and it breaks my heart how fast she's growing!
First of all...how cute is that first outfit :-) Adorable! She is such an adorable girl... Happy 4 months Brynn!
She is too cute!! I want to squeeze those cheeks!
she's really cute!! i saw you had legwarmers on her in the first picture ... check these out ... my sister makes them ... my sweetart loves them ... so easy for diaper changes .... sorry to advertise but thought you would LOVE them and she's having a sale! let me know and i'll email you the code! toodles! http://www.etsy.com/listing/55661172/sale-u-pick-3-pairs-leg-warmers-with?
@ Coffee- Yes, please!! They are so adorable... email me the code =)
I can't believe Brynn is 4 months old already. It seems just like yesterday that you announced you were pregnant again. *sigh* How time flies!
Happy 4 Months, Brynn! (Already?!)
Look at that chunky lil girl! OOOOOHHHH I wanna eat those feet! :)
Our babies are getting so big? I swear it was just yesterday that we were on 1st Tri and you were shocking us all with your already blossoming belly! I just want to nom her rolls. She is so adorable.
happy 4months Brynnie Girl!!
So cute! I hope she feels better soon. Is it just me..or do second children grow up even faster than the first???
I always motivated by you, your views and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.
- Norman
I can't believe she is already 4 months old! Time sure does fly with these little ones. Miss Brynn is such a pretty little baby!
She is absolutely adorable!!!
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