26 April 2010

And the winner is...

Kelly from Spice it Up!

I counted the number of commenters that posted in the alotted time frame for the giveaway {sorry Sumer!} and then took out the few replies that I made as well as the one deleted comment. I then counted down 31 comments from the top to get Kelly as the winner!

Congrats Kelly! I'll be emailing you shortly =)

Also, thank you to everyone that entered and voted for me! We're still on the second page, but we're only about 2 votes from being in the top 25!! So if you get a free moment today, vote again ;)

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MrsKBJ said...

Whoot hoo! Thanks you so much Jenni!! Yay I can start party planning now!! :O)

Sara said...

I just voted and you're #25!!!! You've cracked it!

Kristie said...

voted!! :-)

jenni from the blog said...

You're welcome, Kel!!!

And thanks so much girls... YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! =)

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