Blogging is something that I never thought I would do. Ever. I mean... I'm boring. Who would actually be interested in reading anything I have to say? But, I was a victim of peer pressure, like so many are. All my friends were doing it, so why wasn't I?
Once I started, I immediately liked it. I didn't care who else was reading it. I was. It was for me. It was all mine and I could say and write whatever I wanted. Now, here we are two years later, and I just love looking back on the different events that happened in our life. In Carter's life.
And, in just 3 short weeks... in Brynn's life.
So, in honor of my blogaversary, let's have a little giveaway! What does the winner get, you may ask? Well... you'll receive a free {single-sided} custom card design, courtesy of 9 Designs :) You can use the card design for birth announcements, birthday invitations, or whatever else you would like! It can be used now or saved for later. I will then put everyone in the True Random Generator and allow it to select a winner!
Here's how to enter the giveaway. Each thing that you do below, counts as a separate entry, therefore each person has up to 3 chances to win! {#1 is mandatory to enter}
1. Comment on this post with your name and email address {so that I can contact you if you win!}
2. Become a follower {if you are not already} and add a comment that you are now following the blog. For those that are already a follower, you can add an additional comment stating that you already follow the blog! =)
3. VOTE FOR ME! You can click the icon below to place a vote for me on Top Baby Blogs. I've moved up quickly thanks to all of your lovely votes, and I'm up to #27! Of course, I'd love to be in the top 25 blogs, so if you vote, just add a comment that you placed a vote for me. This is the honor system, of course, but I know all of my wonderful readers are very honest people ;)
The entry deadline is Monday, April 26th at 8:00 am EST.
Happy Blogaversary.... to meeeeeee! Thanks so much for everything over the last two years.

I absolutely *love* reading your blog!! It's nice to see someone who is so close to my due date brave enough to share their belly pics every week...and not to mention your son is the most adorable little guy ever! (Did you still need someone to watch him when Brynn's born?!)
**I'm already a follower and I voted for your blog** shaun.mcgahey@gmail.com
@ Shaun- Aww thanks hun! I actually DO really have someone {or like 10 people} to watch him while we're in the hospital. I was just kidding =)
yah!! i wanna win so bad :) happy blogaversary :)
I would LOVE to win! Happy Blogaversary!
2nd comment for following (I've been following you for a while now - love your blog!)
Happy Blogaversary!! I am a follower and I voted for you!
-Lindsay, alv822 at gmail dot com
stewart32 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower too!
....and I voted! :)
Aww Happy Blogaversary!!
Love reading your blog and of course seeing Carter's adorableness :)
Oh and I voted too! :)
I'm new here but have loved following your story (and seeing the bump!) I've voted and am now following.
Can't wait to see miss brynn!
I love your blog. Check on it daily!
I just love reading your blog and I cannot wait see pics of Brynn...only 3 short weeks :-)
You designed my son's awesome 1st birthday invites so I'd love to win a design from you!
VictoriaFL84 @ aol dot com
I am already a follower :-)
Happy Blogiversary! I am a follower and love reading your blog!
I love your designs, and would love to win a custom design to use for DS's 2nd Birthday invites. becsunshine at hotmail dot com.
I voted for you...come on top 25!
crap, forgot my email the first time. egoetzthompson at yahoo dot com
@Jenni - LOL. I was just kidding too...there was supposed to be a ";-)" after my question...but apparently I forgot :( I'll blame it on the pregnancy brain!
i'm a follower(and i spliting up my comments for betters odds ;)
@ Kate- I LOVE the way you think ;)
Yuliya - ylevina@gmail.com
I really enjoy reading your blog, and seeing Carter (and now Brynn) updates!
I'm a follower :)
I need to start planning a 2 yr old bday party! Great givaway!! :O)
I love your blog, I felt the same way when I first started. I actually started a blog then left it for close to a year then picked it up again while I was pregnant and havent stopped since!! :O)
It is one of my favorite hobbies.
Entry #2 I am a Follower.
Also, I am already a follower!!
AND I voted!!!
Entry #3- voted! Also, my email is mrskbj at gmail dot com.
Congrats on your anniversary :) I hope to win a design for Jack's birthday thank yous!
I'm a follower.
I voted.
I have been following your blog ever since I saw you on the bump and remembering you from the knot! I always used to ask you for tips on where and how you did things for your wedding on there~lol! I just voted for you on top mommy blogs too~Hope you get into the top #25 :)
my email address is christinespera@yahoo.com
I love a giveaway!
Yeah, I'm a follower!
Of course I voted for you!
Once again, you're awesome Jen!
BTW~ We need to take the boys for a walk before Brynn arrives. :)
Aww! Happy Blogaversary!! I always look forward to your updates!
~Larissa (mejialar@yahoo.com)
Been following since before you had Carter!
and i'm a follower...
and i voted!
I would love to win since my little guy is due a few weeks after Brynn! Happy Blogaversary!
I already follow your blog, I love it!
I voted for you for Top Baby blogs!!
The giveaway has officially ended! Everyone above this comment will be counted and I will post the winner ASAP.
Thank you so much for entering and for voting for me!!!!
Sumer Lajeunesse sumerrae052084@yahoo.com
I am already a follower of your blog!!
I voted for you!!!
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