Sooooo, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. With my doctor. I love her. Like, really love her.
Anyway, she took a look at my growth ultrasound from 31 weeks and, like me, was not surprised at all about the results. We talked a little bit about the hemorrhaging that I had after the birth of Carter and said that there is a 50/50 chance that it may happen again this time. But now they will know to be ready for it. It made me feel a tiny bit better, but still nervous.
I gained 2 more pounds, so I'm up to 19 pounds total... something that I am happy with. Especially considering that a lot of it is the baby. It makes me feel better about myself {...and the Chick-Fil-A I had for lunch right before my appointment.}
My blood pressure was "okay." It went up a lot since my last appointment, from 125/76 just 2 weeks ago to 140/86 yesterday. Still on the good side, which I'm happy about... but this is exactly when it started going up with Carter and developed into pre-eclampsia. 33 weeks. Not sure what it is about this time, but it seems like a mirror image of my pregnancy with Carter Man now.
Then came the fun part... we listed to baby girl's heartbeat, which was in the 150's for the first time since becoming pregnant. She's always been in the 130's or 140's. It sounded nice and strong... and I'm pretty sure there are only a handful of things that sound more beautiful then listening to your baby's heartbeat {your baby's first cry and "you've won the lottery" being a few that might come before it...}
My doc then took my fundal height measurement and... are you ready for this?...
My belly is measuring at 38 weeks now.
I'm only 33 weeks.
Count it...
...yep, that's 5 weeks ahead.
5 weeks.
In light of this big jump {I was "only" measuring 3 weeks ahead as of my last appointment} my doctor ordered another growth ultrasound for my next appointment at 35 weeks. She also mentioned that, given my medical history and "monster baby" syndrome, she will not let me go past 39 weeks {around May 21st.}I'm only 33 weeks.
Count it...
...yep, that's 5 weeks ahead.
5 weeks.
That being said, if my blood pressure continues to rise, then I'm looking at a 38 week induction again.
May 14th.
That very well may be my baby girl's birthday.
Pregnancy: 33 weeks {belly pic taken at 33w0d}
Weight Gain: 19 pounds total
Sleep: Meh. I feel very tired, but with this massive belly, it's very hard to get comfortable.
Gender: Girl
Name: Brynn Sophia
Feeling: See above.
Health: BP is starting to rise. Reflux is still awful. But my weight is good. =)
Movement: She's a crazy person! I feel like I can grab her leg. Or arm. Or butt. She's right in front...
Belly: Measuring at 38 weeks. No stretch marks {yet} and very light linea negra.
Next Appointment: Thursday, April 29th at 35w5d. A second growth ultrasound will be given right before my appointment.
I'm going to put a guess in for May 17th. I'll be on standby!
I l-o-v-e that picture...what a great moment! Who knows, Miss Brynn could make her arrival on Mothers Day. You couldn't get a better present.
That picture is one if my favorites, so cute! You are so close to meeting her!
Ps, what do you think of LOST lately? I wonder how they are going to tie everything together with the oceanic crew that didn't crash, now they are remembering memories of a "past" life. Should be interesting! Last night I was hoping for a more exciting reason for the whispers. (I will not post an answer in case you didn't watch yet) :0)
May 14th!!! Ahhhh!!! We are practically on the same countdown now!
I'm excited to hear the results of the next growth ultrasound!
May 14th is right around the corner... I'm so excited for you!!! YAY! I wish I made big babies and I was looking at a sooner date then July ;) Glad things are going great!!! Love the maternity and nursery pics.... just adorable!!!!!
beautiful... friday following :)
@ Kelly- I still have to watch the episode from this week, but LOST has been kinda disappointing to me! I'm pretty much just watching it now b/c I've invested so much time in it and I want to see how it ends, lol.
This is my first time on here.
I love the picture of your little man giving the baby a kiss!! It is so cute.
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