Hospital Bags. Let's discuss.
There's no exact science to packing your hospital bag, so let's just think about this logically: you'll want to pack like you and your husband are taking a weekend vacation some place very exciting and then bringing back an adorable mini version of yourselves as a souvenir.
Not too difficult, right?
I must admit though... I did an amazing job packing my hospital bag for Carter's birth. I didn't forget anything and I actually used everything that I brought. When does that ever happen? I thought for sure we'd bring the car seat without the base, the camera without the charger, and completely forget our cell phones altogether.
But nope... we brought everything on our list and it worked out perfectly. So what did we bring? I thought you might ask...
For Mama:
My OWN pillow. {Heaven.}
Slippers {Uggs, how I love thee.}
Flip Flops {a true necessity from March-October, in my opinion}
Comfy clothes- tank tops, t-shirts, soccer shorts, undies, sports bras, etc {I can't stress this enough, especially when you have visitors. I even went out and bought cheap granny panties and sports bras. I bled on NOTHING. I can't imagine sitting around in a half-opened hospital gown while 36 people are in my room with me.}
Hoodie/pj pants {hospital's are cold}
MacBookPro/charger {I had plenty of time to be online in the hospital, especially at night when the nurses come in and check on you every 10 minutes}
Flip camera/extra batteries
Cell phone/charger {I never received or sent more texts in my entire life...yes, even while I was in labor. Make sure you're phone is completely charged at all times and ready to go.}
Toiletries {travel size work best} of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, loufa, hair spray, lotion, face wash, deodorant, etc
Razor {yes, I shaved in the hospital}
Hair dryer
Flat Iron {yes, I actually used mine... what? you're a temporary celebrity.}
Make-up {see above}
Insurance information
List of people to call/text
Hairbrush and extra hairbands
Some stuff the hospital had for me: Peri-bottle, Dermaplast numbing spray, Tucks, ice pads, maxi pads, mesh undies {though I wore my own after the first day...I just wanted to feel normal!}
For Baby:
Coming home outfit
Car seat with base installed in the car that you bring to the hospital ;)
Receiving blankets {we used these so the dogs could get use to the baby's smell before bringing him home to meet each other. We wrapped Carter in a big receiving blanket the entire first day and then Kacy took it home and gave it to the dogs. They slept on it for 2 days =) }
Some of the stuff the hospital had for the baby: diapers, wipes, Triple Paste, formula, blankets, nasal aspirator, pacifiers, etc.
For Daddy:
Comfy clothes
Toiletries {again, travel-size work best}
Debit card/cash {for food!}
Bob and I fit everything into our travel/carry-on-size wheely suit case. I then packed all the baby stuff in the diaper bag. This time I will have to pack for Carter as well, and then figure out where he's going to stay while we're in the hospital.
Any takers?
He's an adorable blond-haired, blue-eyed monster who likes to cuddle, play {and sleep!} with his soccer ball, sing random songs {his favorite being Kesha's "Tik Toc"} and dance like nobody's business. You've been warned...

If I lived closer and wasn't having a baby around the same time, I would totally take Carter!
Great list!
Great list! If we were friends in real life I'd totally watch your little man!! (you'd fit right in and love all my mommy friends, wish you could join our playgroup!!) :)
what a great list! I will have to make note of some of your items, and I totally agree with the flat iron/blowdryer/makeup.
Uhm hello...people with cameras! Noone needs a nasty lookin Momma! ;)
thank you for your list.. it's really helpful for me.. I was wondering what else I should pack :)
Aww, thanks for all the offers everyone, lol! We actually really do have someone to watch him <3 I'm going to miss him SOOOO MUCH!
Glad you're finding the list helpful =)
Thanks! And I didn't think it was possible to add to my already long list... :)
Thanks for the list!! I'm going to finish my packing tonight and this can be my guide! I'm 37 weeks and was 1.5 cm at the dr. this morning so hopefully this baby is about ready to come out! :)
Dude, why are you writing about topics that I'm not ready to think about yet?
(((freaks out)))
ME!!! I'll take Carter!!!!! Pretty please!!!
ME!!! I'll take Carter!!!!! Pretty please!!!
@ Brittney- I can NOT believe you're so close!!! Do you know what you're having? Eeeekkk.
@ Molly- Sorry, chica. These babes are comin' though, lol. Ahhh.
Nope! We will be surprised at the birth!! (I kind of think it is a girl though.) :) By the way...I'm TOTALLY with you on the hair dryer, straightener, and makeup. Temporary celebrity is right! I think I had my picture taken more the day after Eli was born than my entire pregnancy! I can't believe I am this close either...check the blog for any baby/labor updates! :)
@ B- Oh I will be... that is sooo exciting! Good luck mama!
Thank you for your list.. It really is helping a first time mom!
I love the idea of using the receiving blanket and sending it home so the animals can get use to the smell of the baby before they meet! We have two dogs and a cat with a bad attitude, lol so we will definitely be trying this! GREAT TIP!
This is a great list! With my second baby I kinda left the packing til last minute (thinking that my labor would take forever like it did the first time). I ended up having to go straight from the shower to the car and when I was laboring in the hospital I hadn't even brought a ponytail holder! A nurse gave me a bobbypin out of her hair and clipped my bangs back for me because I was such a mess.
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