While cleaning out the rest of her room this weekend, we had to store some things in the {all too cluttered}attic. I was looking around while I was up there and I saw all of Carter's infant gear. The gear that will soon hold another baby. A baby girl. And I got excited.
In just a few short weeks, we will be pulling out the infant carrier and car seat bases and installing them in our cars. We'll be setting up the swing in our family room again and sitting the bouncy seat in the living room. The play mat will be laying on the floor along with a few infant toys that Carter played with as a baby. Before we know it, the jumperoo will be out again and we'll hear the sounds of jungle animals mixed with laughter.
I can't believe we're having another baby.
I can't wait.
Pregnancy: 27 weeks {belly pic taken at 27w1d}
Weight Gain: 12 pounds total.
Sleep: Wonderful.
Gender: Girl
Name: Brynn Sophia
Feeling: Awesome! I'm serious... I feel great. Excited.
Health: BP is good. Ribs hurt a bit, but it's bearable. Reflux is still awful, but Zantac and tums seem to be working okay.
Movement: She's a crazy one! She is constantly moving. She actually moves so much that if I don't feel her at least once an hour I get worried. And then she kicks me.
Belly: No stretch marks {yet}. Belly button is out. Linea Negra is very faint, but can be seen under my belly button.
Next Appointment: Thursday, March 18th at 29w5d. Then my 2 weeks appointments begin!
uh, I don't feel ready at all! But then again, we don't have much to do. We've got everything except I still haven't decided on a double stroller nnd car seat, which can wait anyway.
I've got no room to decorate but I suppose we'll bring out the cosleeper at about 37 weeks? It feels so strange to not be doing anything besides going to doctor's appointments! I still feel like it's not even happening, lol! I'm sure I'll get it when I'm holding our newborn. I'm excited too. Nervous but excited!
And I'd like to be able to put on my shoes without grunting.
It feels like it was only yesterday that you told me your were pregnant! Where did the weeks go?! Can't wait to meet Brynn.
Part of me is ready to not be pregnant, though this could be the last time I am so I'm trying not to wish it away.
As far as being ready, we're not, plain and simple. I'm hoping to be ready by the end of this month, then I'll feel better!
@ Suzanne- That's my goal too. My maternity pics are April 10th so everything has to be done by the end of March/early April!!
Lol, that's when my maternity pics are supposed to be also. I'm not sure where we're doing them though.
We're doing some inside her room/our house and then going to a park! =)
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