Well, Carter has given up sleeping officially. He has kicked the habit. Apparently it's really cool to get up at all hours of the night again. He hasn't done this in...well, forever. I can't even remember the last time he didn't sleep through the night. He is such a good sleeper, which leads me to believe that something is wrong. Molars, maybe? He already has his top 2 molars, so maybe it's the bottom 2? He doesn't have a fever or anything. Hmmm....
I have no idea what the issue is, all I know is MAMA'S TIRED.
Perhaps Carter Man is preparing you for all of those sleepless nights you will be experiencing with Brynn in the near future?
Good luck! I hope you get some rest this weekend
Maybe Chloe and Carter have been talking. Chloe is up a lot now too, when before she'd sleep through the night. She's very difficult to put down now, and wakes up 4-5 times a night... I'm tired too! I hope you can take some naps this weekend :)
sorry he isn't sleeping. I feel your pain . . . I can't remember the last time Connor slept through the night.
My daughter has been waking up in the middle of the night too and she was also a great sleeper. I couldn't figure it out, until I saw her first molar popping out, so he may be teething.
Psht..didn't you know sleeping is so for infants.
Yes. My son (16 months) has always been a bad sleeper, but last month it was horrible. He slept through the night maybe twice in his life, but last month he started waking a lot (4 times) and refusing to go back to sleep for 2 hours. He is doing better now. I think it is a molar thing too, my son just got 3 in. Also, their little minds are going crazy right now with all the development, so they can't shut it down!
I've been enjoying your blog for a few months now. I also have a Carter - born 7/16/08!! He's generally a good sleeper too, but isn't it awful when they decide to get up at all hours? I think it's so much harder when they're older b/c you're not expecting to get up every 3 hrs and maternity leave is over. Functioning at work is nearly impossible. Glad it's Friday for you - here's to some naps this w/e!
I bet it's teeth. Aidan's having the same problem lately. Darm molars and eye teeth.
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