- a wonderful husband who is supportive, caring, funny, loving, and one of the greatest father's in the entire world.
- a beautiful, healthy "baby" boy who is the single greatest thing on this earth.
- a healthy {and easy!} pregnancy #2 thus far. Keep growing strong in there sweet baby.
- the best family & friends a person could possibly have. I am so lucky.
...of course there is much more that I am thankful for today and everyday {a home, a job that I love, extra stretchy maternity pants for all the good food I'm about to eat} but I won't bore you with my entire list.
We are headed over to eat dinner at Bob's parents house with his entire family at 1pm today. Then at 4pm we are heading over to my parents house to eat dinner {again, YUM!} with my entire family. We are so lucky to have two wonderful mom's that are the greatest cooks in the world! I'm so glad that we are able to spend the day with everyone =)
Tonight, I am sleeping over my parents house with my 2 sisters. We do this every year and then head out bright and early in the morning for the biggest shopping day of the year... Black Friday! YAY! I'm so excited that I can hardly stand it.
Just a quick look back at how fast this year has gone... this was Carter Man last Thanksgiving at just 4 months old. Oh my, how times flies...

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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