Another busy weekend has come and gone. On Friday night, I had a girls night out with some friends of mine. I was so upset that I forgot to bring my camera with me, but in the midst of all the shore traffic on Friday, I was lucky I even made it there! We went to PF Changs and we had a blast. Our waitor was hilarious {Leon on a plate?} and we were there for hours just talking and laughing. Good food, good friends, good wine, good time =) And next time I won't forget my camera!
On Saturday, we were up early getting the house ready for the sliding glass door project. We'll call this "Phase 1" of a 3 phase renovation project. We moved everything from the dinning room into the living room.

Old window... 8ft wide and 6 ft tall. Yet, only 2 little squares actually open. Please tell me who thought this was a good idea???

Yay, it's out!! The dad's hard at work =) We're SO lucky!

At this point of the project, Kacy, Carter, and I headed out to do some shopping for Carter's birthday supplies {deserves a separate post}. We then headed over to our brother-in-law Matt's fire house for their annual BBQ. Carter just loved the fire trucks!

We got home just before dinner and the door was in!

They had finished the project in one day, as promised. It looks sooooo good!

On Sunday, we cleaned up and then did some shopping. Now it's time to spackle, paint, put up molding and then add the new curtain rod and curtains I bought yesterday!
Phase 2 of the project was scheduled for Friday of this week, but our new window won't be here until the 10th of July, so we're going to hold off. I'll be sure to keep you posted and take more pictures =)
Thank you so much Mike and dad!!! You're the best!
Sliding door looks great!!!
Looks great! Yay for awesome, handy dads. I love the idea of a slider in the dining room... almost like dining alfresco! :)
looks great!
looks great! I totally want to do that to our dining room too.
Thanks everyone! We love it =)
much fun on friday!!! we seriously have to do it again august soon, at least!!!!
so glad the door is in!!! and I <3Carter's pics in the fire trucks!! looks like he loved it!
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