First, I would like to thank those of you who took the time to read the story about my dad. I honestly didn't feel that anyone would read it, but I felt I needed to talk about it and I'm so glad I decided to share it with you. I appreciate your comments and my family and I feel very lucky that my dad is still here with us today. Very lucky.
Next, I would like to thank those of you who voted on the hat poll for Carter. I'll show you which one I decided to go with when it's completed. I was going to order it from Etsy but Karen, a nestie friend, has so graciously offered to make it for Carter!!!! I am so excited and thankful. You're the best Karen!
Last, I would like to thank Kristal for the Smile Award {"smiling's my favorite"}. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, please do... it's wonderful and so is she.

The qualifications are:
A. Display a cheerful attitude
A. Display a cheerful attitude
B. Love one another
C. Make mistakes
D. Learn from others
E. Be a positive contributor to the blog world
G. Love kids
And the rules:
1. Must link it back to the creator
2. Post the rules
3. Choose 5 people to give it to
4. Recipients must fit the characteristics above
5. Create a post to share this
6. You must thank the winner
And the award goes too...
1. Suz at Steece's Pieces. I think everyone reads this blog. It's baby mania x4 and she makes it look so easy.
2. My friends, Colin & Courtney at moor, please.... I went to college with Colin and I just love checking the blog for updates and seeing Conner's adorable face when I get there :)
3. Steph over at Ramblings & Everyday Amusements/Ethans World. I love looking at Ethan's beautiful pictures and her blog(s) are very honest and personal.
4. Kerri at Life with Livy. Look at those cheeks... need I say more?
5. Katie at When Hello Means Goodbye. She's been through more than anyone can possibly imagine and she handles it with such grace. It's truly inspiring.
Thanks for the smile award - it definitely made me smile! Keep up the blog - we love reading it!
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