What's in there Kai??
A new collar and lots of treats!
When C was finished eating, he gave daddy some Christmas kis.., er bites...
...and then he was ready to see what Santa had brought him.
Here is Carter and Bob opening a few Christmas gifts :)
Carter's big gift from Santa was a new Maclaren umbrella stroller. That Santa is so practical I tell ya...
And, of course, it's not Christmas without something Phillies related...
See what I mean...
My Coach purse!
Bob's new Sirius...

Don't forget the stockings!
We really got some great gifts! Santa is such a good guy and brought Carter a new Maclaren stroller, an aquarium for his crib, some new clothes, books, and a bunch of toys. Santa brought Bob some Phillies stuff, a new Sirius radio, movies, clothes, new shoes, cologne, and some new ties for all of the weddings we have coming up! And Santa brought me a new Coach purse, a few books, a Coach initial keychain (in my stocking), and some clothes.
Lots more to come...
Cute video! First of all, I realized when I was watching it that I've never heard your voice before. Weird. And it doesn't sound at all like I expected. I guess I just assume everyone has a high squeaky voice like me, LOL. But you don't at all! Second, the voice you talk to Carter in (specifically, when you said "you're so stwong, Carter.") is exactly the voice I use with my dogs. Scary. :)
And yay for a new purse!!
LOL... I sound so nasally. My allergies were bad on Christmas (and basically every day.)
My Kai and Carter voice are the same. That's why I accidentially say Kai and then correct myself to Carter... it happens daily. :)
It looks like you had a very lovely Christmas! I hope the New Year brings very god things for all of you!
And can Carter GET any more cuter?!
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