We are beyond excited about the Phils moving on to the NLCS. Bob and I, along with Scott and Lauren, went to the game on Thursday night (their last home game before heading to Milwaukee) and it was out of control. And let's not even discuss the fact that I could finally drink after attending games all season while being the DD because I was pregnant. It was nice.
Sadly, I forgot my camera, but here is a shot that I took with my phone from our seats in the Hall of Fame Club. This was right before Shane Victorino's grand slam (he's up to bat in the pic)...

We're going to the second game in the Dodgers series this Friday and I can. not. wait.
Hey Jenni
I'm so glad you found my blog...your little boy is adorable... we have/need to get together... It would be so much fun! Let me know when you're free. Here's my email: danielle.botbyl@gmail.com
Miss you too!
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