Yes, you read that right.
In just 4 short days, our sweet Emmie Mae will be ONE.
I'm having such mixed feelings as this day approaches. For a 4th time, I just can't wrap my brain around just how fast this past year has flown by. At the snap of my fingers. At the blink of an eye. My sweet newborn has turned into a toddler.
This past year has been such a dream. Emerson is the sweetest baby in the entire world. Just perfect. She was so, so easy and Bob and I count our lucky stars every single day with how we ended up with her as our 4th baby. This year could have been so much more stressful having two little ones only 16 months apart, (andplusalso two additional kids, ha!) but she took it easy on us and cut us some slack. She was patient as we constantly stopped feeding her to tend to other kiddos (cough:::reid:::cough). She happily played as we cleaned up spills and helped with homework and cut up food and SHOWERED. She was, and still is, the best baby in the history of ever.
Thank you sweet girl for not breaking us as we wrangled 4 kiddos through this past year. We all survived and we owe that, in large part, to you!
Here are a few things I wanted to share with you as we prepare for Em's party...
Anyone that follows me on Pinterest can tell that I've been going crazy over there gathering ideas for Em's Winter ONEderland party next weekend. I designed the invites myself and I'm currently gathering RSVP's and making sure there are enough seats for everyone {I'm not kidding.} The cake has been ordered. The balloon artist/face painter is booked. The decorations are ready to be put out. The food list is made. The final touches will be done by this weekend. And I took 2 days off next week just to make sure things are in order. Whew. This is my last 1st birthday party, so I want to go out with a bang, ha!
Here's a glimpse of the theme/style I'm going with... lots of silvers, shimmery whites, soft pinks and touches of blue.

Some of the paper products and party supplies we got are the "Shining Season" theme, and I just love the look!
I can't wait to see everything decorated next weekend! I also ordered her a special birthday shirt, have her outfit already, and ordered a few special decorations from Etsy, along with some things I plan to make on my own. We'll see how they turn out, ha! ;) I'll leave the cake a surprise, but this is the smash cake I ordered.... EEEKKK! It's ALMOST too pretty to eat. Almost.

And last, but certainly not least, I'm going through Emerson's monthly pics to place in her frame to be displayed at the party. I swear this year has flown by almost as fast as it's taken me to put these pics together. This sweet girl is just SO LOVED. Can't wait to celebrate her!

You guise, this doesn't get any easier with practice. It may even get worse. Prepare yourselves.
More to come...

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