Oh, this boy. This boy who made me a mother. This boy who can be so sweet and so evil within the same 5 second time span. This boy who has made me feel whole and who has helped make my life even more complete.
My Carter Man.
He's five this week.
I just can't even comprehend that right now. I feel like I was just at my 38 week doctors appointment when they told me my blood pressure was too high and that I had pre-eclampsia . I feel like it was yesterday that I was sent straight to the hospital to be induced.
My Carter Man.
He's five this week.
I just can't even comprehend that right now. I feel like I was just at my 38 week doctors appointment when they told me my blood pressure was too high and that I had pre-eclampsia . I feel like it was yesterday that I was sent straight to the hospital to be induced.
And then a mere 6 hours later? This.
Carter Robert | July 18, 2008 | 9 pounds 5 ounces | 21 inches
{and 2 weeks early, ha!}
And here you are now, just so grown up. Ready for school in September. I'm still in shock.
We have a lot planned for our boy this week. We celebrated on Monday night with Bob's family. On Thursday, his actual birthday, Bob and I took off from work and we plan to take him to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and then to the movies to see Despicable Me 2. After that, his GG is making him dinner and then his BFF and cousin, Ben, is staying over night for a little sleep over party. On Friday, we're celebrating his birthday with my entire family. And then. {Oh yes, there's more.} On Saturday, we'll have his birthday party with all his little friends at Bounce U. He is beyond excited {umm, can you blame him?} and I just can't wait to celebrate my baby boy!
Happy Birthday Carter Man! You are so very loved!

Wow! What a birthday week! Sounds like he is going to have so much fun! I hope he has a great day!
Happy Birthday, Carter!
Happy Birthday Carter! We're celebrating a birthday this week too... the girl that made me a mama turned 12 yesterday! :)
Happy birthday to him! Sounds like he's going to have a fabulous birthday week! He weighed the same as our Jacob who was also 2 weeks early. Our next baby was a boy who weighed 10lb. 7oz.! They seem to get bigger and bigger.
Happy birthday, Carter! That's my kind of birthday celebration - an entire week :)
HA!! When I saw the title of today's blog, "Five" - I just knew you were going to say that you just found out baby #4 - was twins - and there was going to be a baby #5!!!
Congrats on the birthday. Our youngest grandson turns five at the end of the month. What a great age!
Sounds like a great celebration week! Despicable Me 2 is hilarious. Hope he likes it all.
5 is such a fun age! my daughter just turned 5!
I'm already teary about the boys turning 5 (in January), so this made me a little weepy. Happy 5th Birthday Carter! You are adorable! ~Jenn
Such a handsome boy! Happy birthday!
Happy 5th birthday, Carter!!!
I dread this day in a few months when my daughter turns 5! I'm sure many tears will be shed!
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