And I'm back in the game!
You may remember, I was on Medifast before {I started the 5 and 1 plan on March 2, 2011 and met my goal -of THIRTY POUNDS- on July 27, 2011.} Since then, I've been a little busy {oh, you know, just having a baby and all} but now it's time to restart my weight loss journey.
New year. New me.
My goal this time? 30 pounds. While I have the same goal as I did before, this number will actually put me at about 8-10 pounds below the weight I was the last time I completed the program. I'm excited to get started again, as I enjoy doing Medifast and it really does work.
I know, because it's worked before.
One thing I regretted last time was the fact that I didn't take an adequate "before" picture. I'm sure it was because I was embarrassed about my appearance, but hey... that's why I'm doing this, right?
So here it is. The "before."
This was taken this morning. Let's just call it "muffin top city" mmmkay? That's ALWAYS my problem area and it's likely a result of
So, what's on the menu today?
Breakfast: Spiced Pancakes with Syrup
Mid-Morning Snack: Dutch Chocolate Shake
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup with Crackers
Mid-Afternoon Snack: Peanut Butter Crunch Bar
Dinner: Lean & Green meal- rosemary chicken and salad
Evening Snack: Brownie
Here's what I packed for work...
Easy peasy. I also usually bring a few extra meals in case I end up feeling like something else for lunch or snack when the time comes!
As for rewards this time, I haven't decided on them. I usually create a -10, -20 and a -30 reward system, so I need to get crackin on what I want to do for myself once I hit some of my goals!
If you'd like to join me on this weight loss journey, use my shopping code JENNI56 for 56 free meals with your order of $250 when you enroll in Medifast Advantage. Not ready to enroll? Use the code JENNI50 to get $50 off an order of $275.
Disclosure: I receive free product in order to evaluate and comment on my experience on the Medifast program. Medifast products and the Medifast Program are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any medical improvements noted while on the program are related to weight loss in general, and not to Medifast products or programs. All opinions are mine.

Just a question on this. Do you feel full eating this? I wouldn't think just having soup for lunch would fill someone up?
Good luck, but based on that picture you do NOT need to lose 30 lbs!!!
good luck! im starting my goal to get rid of about 30lbs+ this week too! only im doing weight watchers. Ive dont it before and I know it works, but Ive always wondered if I would like medifast better...
the sweet life of a southern wife
Good luck! I've got to thank you though. I started Medifast due to your blog the day after Thanksgiving to lose the baby weight and am already down 25.5 pounds in 6.5 weeks. I still have about 40 to go but am a lot happier with the way I look already. And to the previous commentor, the first couple of days are rough but after that I have not felt any hunger.
Good Luck to you!
I started my weight loss journey this morning too. I'm doing weight watchers since I love to cook. It's a great outlet for me.
Here's to all the success in the world. Keep us all accountable Jenni!!!
Thank you for posting about this and I look forward to following your journey! I am considering Medifast for weightloss once I have my baby, so I'm interested to see how it works out for you. Good luck!
Good Luck! (and I'm joining you, just not with Medifast)
I think Medifast is a great concept - but how do you keep it off AFTER you're done? Surely no one wants to eat Medifast food for the rest of their lives. I mean this in a total non-snarky way, I'm honestly curious.
I'm excited for you! It was fun to go along the journey with you last time, I know you will do great!
Now I am off to Outback curb side take out for an order of cheese fries.
Well, you look pretty good now, so bet you will look amazing after!
Best of luck, Jenni!
So glad you are doing TIOM again! So am I! And I think we should form a banish the muffin top group! Totally my problem spot too and I also have monster babies so I think you are right that there is some sort of correlation. Consider a link up? I would but my only followers are a few family members :-)
I def thought that picture was Kaci. Good luck on your journey I know you can can do it (and come up with some awesome rewards)!
You look great, especially for having a new baby!! Good luck on your progress this week!!
To the person who says soup won't fill you up ... you may be eating the wrong soups!
You look great for just having a baby! I had my son a month after you had Reid and I am also starting my WLJ with MyFitnessPal. Good luck in your journey!
Good luck, Jenni. You are gorgeous and awesome no matter what size you are or what the scale says but I definitely know sometimes you gotta do for you and only you know what makes you feel your best! You'll crush it just like you did the last time! :)
So awesome!! Good luck! you look awesome.
Aww... You look great now. I'm glad to see your goal weight loss isn't something that will make you unhealthy, though. :-) Good luck!!! (Although, I'm sure you won't need luck) :-)
You go mama!! You can do it :)
Losing weight is so difficult! I hope that this weight loss journey goes great for you!!
What necessary phrase... super, excellent idea
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