28 August 2012

Call for September Sponsors!

Hey guys!
Just doing my usual call for sponsors, so let me know if you're interested!  Unfortunately my medium ads are already sold for the month of September, but I do have the 2 large and 2 small ads available.  For any ad purchase, I'd just need your button, link to your shop/site/blog, and payment via PayPal. That's it!

Before you jump on this delightful opportunity, here is a little more info on my ad options and blog stats:
By the numbers:
Monthly Pageviews: 78,000
All-time Pageviews: 1.3 million
Google Friend Connect: 2,165+
{Public- 1,200+ | Private- 965+}
RSS Feedburner: 1,605+
Twitter: 1,265+
Facebook : 975+
Sponsor Ad Prices

All you need to do is purchase your ad via PayPal {below} and email me with your shop/blog link and ad button and you're all set!

ORDER NOW! Just pick your ad size & month:
Month(s) of pending sponsorship:

If you have any questions, feel free to email me! Looking forward to working with you :)


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