This has been an ongoing process, and with my good friend Steph, we were able to make it happen. I did all of the design work and she did allllll of the HTML. I just love her and really don't know how she puts up with me. No really. I even told her that. After everything was uploaded this morning I said, and I quote straight from G-Chat...
i don't know how you put up with me
i'm such a PITA
but you always do and it always looks perfect
She really is the best. So Steph? Again... thank you.
Anyone that's interested in a fresh new blog design, should really check her out. She's offering $5 off any one of her blog designs for JFTB readers so be sure to contact her.
Oh, and let me know what you think!!
You are very welcome!
it looks so pretty! i love the cursive font at the top and the yellow color! good job jenn and steph!
love it!
Cute! I love the yellow.
Love it! Can't wait to start working with her =)
Very cute!
Its very pretty!!!
It looks wonderful. I LOVE the colors and pattern!! and pics of course!
Love, love, love it!!!! Very nice~!
super bummed. I can't see it!!!!! Dern work computer! I'm sure it looks great though.
So cute. I love how bright it is.
Super cute! Love it!
Love! Love the yellow. Love the fonts. Love all of it!
Love the overall look and the colors! The only suggestion I might make (and it's tiny) would be to make it so the yellow background doesn't scroll with the posts.
I really like your updated photos! Brynn and Carter are so cute :)
I love the colors Jenni! Bootiful!!
Looks great!
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