Tell me about your weight maintenance, how's it going?
I got this question few times so I'll put it first. Maintenance has been fabulous. No really, it has. I'm not going to lie, I've bounced back twice. Once after Disney and the miscarriage where I gained about 4-5lbs and then lost it again. And then once after the holiday's. It's hard not to give in too 1 or 2 cookies, especially when you have a mama that bakes like mine does! ;)
I do have a threshold. By gaining more than 5lbs, it puts me in a different weight bracket (i.e. I'm up to the next "10" on the scale) and that's a number I don't want to see again. So if I see my self straying a bit, I get right back too it.
But I must also mention that maintaining my has never really been an issue for me. It was always losing it. And now that Medifast has helped me do that, I'm doing an awesome job at staying at my goal weight. So YAY for that!!
Are y'all back on the TTC wagon?
Like I've mentioned before, we've always wanted 3 kids. Always. And we know that with that 3rd child, our family will be complete. This is something that we're hoping for very soon!
Did you know you are almost at 1,000 followers on GFC?? That's borderline celebrity- what are you going to do to celebrate, if you even decide to celebrate?
YES! I can NOT wait to hit 1,000. It's so exciting to me. Of course, just as I hit that slightly amazing number, GFC will be gone for some bloggers {i.e. all non-blogger blogs} which totally sucks. But it should still work on mine, so follow along publicly if you don't already! Maybe I'll do a big giveaway once I hit 1,000! =)
Are you going to blogher12?
Absolutely! BlogHer'11 was one of the most amazing experiences. I had the chance to meet awesome women that I've "known" for a long time and when we finally met {in real life}, it was like the stars aligned and our friendships were meant to be. I already have at least 2 of my roommates {ahem, Chelsey and Torie} and we're talking to our potential fourth now. I won't link her now, but she better go, damn it! ;)
Oh and? It's in NYC! Just a short drive for me. No time zone changes, no flying. It's perfect =) Not to mention that I get to road trip with 2 of my favorite people ever {Kelly & Steph!} I just can NOT wait.
Okay, so who wants to sponsor me?? ;)
Have you ever considered being a blog mentor?
No, because I don't even know what that is! But it sounds interesting. I just don't know if I'm good enough to be anyone's mentor at this point!
Do you use an RSS app to keep up with the blogs your reading?
I don't! Does anyone have any good apps they recommend? Honestly, I'm old school. I save the links to the blogs I frequent most, and I go to each of their pages individually. I just think blog reading is better that way =)
How on earth do you find the time??? Wife, mama, working, sister, daughter?? I swear, I struggle to get anything done!
Well I've been completely honest about this on the blog before... I actually think I'm a slacker. Let me explain. Yes, I work full time, but I am so lucky because my kids are with family. They are with my mother-in-law on Monday's and then my mom the rest to the week.
My mom teaches Carter everything. EVERYTHING. I can not take credit for much, as far as him learning what he needs to know for school. My mom teaches him his letters, numbers, colors and shapes. She taught him how to write his name, he knows the days of the week, the months, the date, the weather. She gives him homework {!!!} that we do together on the weekends. My mom is AMAZING. {Though she does catch some slack from us because Carter will now only eat the oval crackers and not the circle crackers... I mean, WHO TAUGHT HIM HIS SHAPES!?!}
Okay, and here's where the real slacking begins {continues?}... Our mom's? Well, after they watch our kids for us all day? They have amazing home-cooked meals ready for us when we pick them up after work. :::ducks::: Can you imagine such a thing? We are so so lucky. And we know it, so don't you worry! We know just how lucky we are and we are so thankful for our mamas! And it's awesome that we get to sit down and talk to them everyday.
So yeah... I'm a slacker. I don't do it all. I have help. Lots and lots of help!
You said you've been busy... what have you been up too?
Nothing much really. Just hanging with family. Visiting people.
Last weekend we went to a surprise 80th birthday party for Bob's Mom Mom. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever witnessed. The hall was packed with family and friends that she's collected over the years. I was nervous about surprising an 80-year-old {because, well, come on... she's 80} but as soon as she opened the door to the hall, we started singing "Happy Birthday" and she cried. It was amazing. She just looked so happy the entire party.

This weekend, I have a girls day planned with my sisters and mom. We're just watching The Help {we all waited so we could watch it together} at Kacy's house and then having dinner. YUM. Sunday is bowling with the kiddos {my sister Kristi's and mine} so that should be fun {and interesting.}
So yeah, we've just been busy! =)
You did a make-up post last month, can you talk about what eyeshadow colors/brands you use?
Those that use MAC products already know the answer to this one, but yeah... that's what I use. MAC everything. I just love their make-up.
Though I have 4 or 5 eyeshadow palettes, these are my favorites {L-R, T-B off the top of my head}:

1. Down Town Brown- I use this as an eye liner
2. Satin Taupe. My most favorite eyeshadow EVER.
3. Beauty Marked- great for your eye crease.
4. Honesty- Works great over Satin Taupe to give it more dimension
Black Palette:
1. Electra- Same as Beauty Marked, it's great for your eye crease
2. Black Tied- I use this as my black liner
3. Nylon- I wear this every. single. day. as a highlighter.
4. Swish- This color is just plain ol' fun.
If you use MAC eyeshadows and have a favorite go-to color, let me know! I'd love to try a few new ones!
I think this is good for now! If you have any more questions for me, let me know... I'd love to answer them if I can!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
bahaha. 1000 makes you a celebrity huh? I had no idea. :) Glad youre back!
i can't get over how cute bob's mom mom is. and if you're a celebrity consider me miles davis.
1000 followers is amazeballs. I feel glad to know you especially if you are a celebrity now :)
I wish I could tell you if I were going to BlogHer. But I can't just yet. I'm just not sure I have the strength and courage to bounce back from last year.
Yes ladies, I'll send you all autographs later ;)
Aww I’m taking Emma bowling on Sunday too (going to a birthday party) and I agree it’s going to be very interesting ;) Have a great weekend!
MAC lover here!! I have 4 full sized pallets. Yes, I am obsessed, My fav everyday color is Patina and for a little more glam I love Woodwinked!
1,000 followers..I can't even imagine. I'm happy I just broke 50 :) I have been blogging since 2008 but just recently really got into it. It's such a fun outlet and I have "met" some great moms. Would love to go to BlogHer and it's driving distance to me too (DC). It's just the $$ that's probably keeping me from going...maybe next year. Sounds like a blast! Oh I hear nothing but good things about MAC makeup but haven't tried it yet. Those color palettes are great!
oh, i hope to have three kids myself :P but i still have to start from scratch! my husband and i can't wait to have children. i really hope the come soon..
beautiful blog! i found you through blog hop. come visit me too sometime - i'd love that :P
it must be (so)... liberating
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